Friday, June 20, 2008

I'm A KID Again!

I'm walking on sunshine, yeah, yeah, I'm walking on sunshine, yeah, yeah, yeah......I have been stalking eBay for quite awhile now, and finally found a SPIROGRAPH drawing toy from my childhood (like, many many many.....moons ago...ok, like 1967 or so) at a decent price. Some of them sell for WAYYYYYYYY more than I would ever pay. This one was missing one wheel, but I also found that on eBay (isn't eBay the greatest???), so it should be arriving soon too, so my Spirograph will be complete. Of course, I can't expect 40 year old pens to work, so I will have to replace them, but I have the originals, so that is WAY cool!!! I remember sitting for hours making the designs on the paper, and when I was finished, the design would just about 'pop' right out of the paper, because I had actually 'cut' through the paper from so many times 'around' with my pens. Oh, what fun! Louie says he remembers having one and playing for hours too.

Here's my replacement wheel. Yippee!!Here are just some of the pretty designs I used to make. (This picture was 'borrowed' off the internet. Thank you Wikipedia!) Now, just look at this cheesy commercial for Spirograph. Looks kind of 'low budget' compared to television today, doesn't it?

If you don't hear from me later, you'll know what I am doing. I'll probably wait until my other wheel arrives though.

Now, if I could only find a 'Bizzy Buzz Buzz'....I'm walking on sunshine, yeah, yeah, I'm walking on sunshine...


  1. So, when I come to visit next, can we play for a few hours? I LOVED the spirograph. I don't think I kept mine and that's just stupid on my part.

  2. I remember playing with one of those during my childhood (1980's) too, though it was a much smaller version. I remember sitting in front of the tv and making different designs during each commercial break.

  3. Isn't it wonderful when we can recapture some of our youth and its joys.

    Enjoy your toy....

  4. How exciting!!! You better post photos for us to see the pretty designs that you make! :)

  5. Oh I just loved to play with the set that Jen had we'd draw for hours. Too bad we didn't keep that toy.


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