Monday, June 2, 2008

On The Road Again....Hmmm..Hmmmm..Hmmm...

Louie and I took vacation this week. Today, we went to Dubuque to hit some thrift stores, because that is what we like to do. We left shortly after noon, and went to a few places. Our searches weren't too productive, but we enjoyed spending time together. We decided about 2:30pm to head for home, as we had exhausted our options. As we were leaving town, we headed up the big hill towards Key West, and I noticed that the radio had quit working. Actually, we were listening to a CD, and we thought maybe we had blown a fuse. At this time, we were sitting at a stoplight. When the light turned green, we noticed we didn't have much power, and our van was spitting, sputtering, bucking, jerking and backfiring! Of course, Louie being the Car Doctor, I asked him what was wrong, and I always expect him to just 'KNOW' instantly what is 'wrong'. 'Well, I don't know', he said. He kept limping it along, trying to get the first place to get off the highway, and then we noticed that we had no turn signals, or horn, or anything electrical. Hmmmm....could it be the battery? Or could it be an alternator? His senses told him that most likely, it was the alternator, but since he had no tools to test it, he was guessing the alternator, since he said our battery was not that old. He explained that since the horn would not blow, and the signals and radio did not work, that either our battery was SO low that there was not enough energy to run them, OR more likely, that the alternator was not working (but why no alternator warning light?) and the reason it was not running correctly, and backfiring, was because there was not enough energy to run the electric fuel pump, so not enough fuel to the fuel pump, and thus, crippling us. We pulled into the nearest place, which was Truck Country, and sat in their parking lot while we contemplated our next move. Here we are, sitting in the rain, with our hood up. Louie called the tow truck, and we waited, watching for them to arrive....staying calm...(we DID...really!)He's here! He only took about 35 minutes to get to us, coming from Maquoketa.My sweetie, being the eternal optimist pointed out, 'Just look at the gas we will be saving on the ride home!' I've ALWAYS wanted to ride in a wrecker! Yippee!!! (and I thought I would have to go to Adventureland for a fun ride! I didn't even have to go far from home for fun! Woo hoo!)Uh, guys....there's a minivan following us just a 'little' too closely back there!Here we are arriving at the dealership where Louie works. I guess he can't even get away from work on vacation! Inside the shop, on the examining table..............and with a new alternator....she was back 'on the road again', and back home, in the garage by 5:30pm. Praise the Lord....AGAIN....for wreckers, for a safe return home, for Louie's bosses for providing a place to repair it, and lending us a car to go get the part, and for delivering me home while he fixed it, for my knowledgable husband to be able to fix it himself, and for CELL PHONES, to be able to call for 'HELP'! We feel blessed! Thank you, Lord Jesus!


  1. Yes, we are spoiled by having cell phones always at our finger tips...but I don't want to be without them. When I was working and on the road for many miles every day I considered my phone as just like insurance...hoping I would never have to use it for an emergency but also at the same time being glad I had it.

    So glad the van is fixed and ready for the rest of your vacation.


  2. Are you off all this week or was it last week into today? Just nosy. =)

    Man, I can't believe you had another problem. =( You're so lucky that Louie is a wiz!!

  3. It's always an adventure out with the two of you. Thank goodness Louie is such a great sport and can fix anything. I hope the rest of your week goes better. Of course anything is better than being at work.

  4. You sure have had your turn with car troubles lately .You both are so even tempered and take it all in stride .I'm sure I would be freaking out .Thank god you are both safe and back on the road again .

  5. So glad to hear you made it home safe and sound. I had my alternator go out a couple years ago on the interstate on ramp. My brothers are really awesome mechanics, and one's a tow truck driver. Have a great vacation and enjoy the time off. I know I am!

  6. Not again!!! I'm so glad that Louie was with you this time and could take control immediately. Great pictures of the journey, too. I need to start talking my camera in my purse.

  7. You are right about what a safety net cell phones can be! So glad everything turned out well. Hubbies who are handy are definitely good to have around!

  8. Praise the Lord for cell phones! I'm glad that you got it all taken care of! trouble....ugh! I'm glad you're okay and back on the road!!!

    :0) Sharon


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