Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Last Window is IN!

Today, Louie installed the last window in our window replacement project. This one was in his basement office. He told me it was window number 23. Wow! Has it been that many? Here is the sheet covering his desk and collection of cars. I'm really not sure why I covered them up though, because they all needed to go to the 'car wash' anyway.
Here's the old window.......... Here's the new window frame in place, and before caulk...Here's the window all dressed up again, much much later in the day (or night)........and here it is all back in it's place.So, folks, no more window installation posts here, but hopefully, soon, you will see a new inside back door replaced, as ours is in pretty sad shape. Gotta fight 'Old Man Winter', you know.Our next project is putting in window wells for our new windows, and bringing dirt in to build up against the house. This chore has been put off for too long already. We bought three 12 inch Foundation Vent Area Walls today, in preparation for our next endeavor.Next, we need to get some dirt, begged, borrowed, stolen, or bought, and a couple of strong backs. I think I'll be in the sewing room for this project.

May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Psalm 19:14

1 comment:

  1. 23 windows isn't that just amazing. Think of how much you two saved by doing all the work. Now old man winter won't be invited in anymore.


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