Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day Marathon

Thursday, July 3rd, was Louie's birthday. My brother Jack and his wife Polly always joke about how somehow, there needs to be a 'project' done, in honor of his birthday. For several years, July 4th was a good day to get together and get whatever project it was, done. We did projects on the 4th for so many years, that Polly will often ask, 'So what project are we doing for Louie's birthday THIS year?' It seems God always gives us beautiful weather , and the companionship is always wonderful. Today was no different. We couldn't have asked for a better day.

So today was the day we set aside to install our new windows, and it was an absolutely beautiful day to do it. It wasn't too hot, there was a slight breeze, and it was beautifully sunny all day long.
I took a ton of pictures, but I will limit this to as few pictures as I can. (Sorry Jill. You asked in an email how the windows went, and I bombarded you with emails full of pictures. Hope I didn't choke your computer!) Below is our old windows. They are naked of window dressings, and ready to to taken out. Louie, my brother Jack, and our friend Jeff did the dirty deed. My sisterinlaw Polly and I helped, by constantly picking up the mess. We kept the vacuum cleaner running, as well as being 'go-fers' for the guys. Here they are peeling away the siding so they can take the window out. This is the North side window. This is the West side window.This picture just looks a storm ripped through! The guys did a wonderful job and they worked together so nicely. I kept calling them Moe, Larry and Curly. The guys had to do some repair work, as the North window had some leakage problems, and the insulation board had to be removed, and replaced. (Thanks, Don and Cecilia for your contribution of the wood!)Here the North wall window is all finished up. Can you see my big sky light in the living room? It really fills the room nicely with sunshine. (Another project my brother Jack helped us do, along with small versions of the sky lights..two in the kitchen, one in the center of the East-West hallway, and one in the center of the North-South hallway.) I LOVE sunshine, especially since I work in a factory and only get florescent lighting 3/4ths of the year, and only REAL sunshine in the summer. Before we did the Solatube skylights, our home was very dark on the inside. We have had the skylights for about 10 years with absolutely NO problems whatsoever, and they were very reasonably priced.This West window shows it as being installed, with the insulation tape applied before the siding went back on.My brother is doing the happy dance I think, and Jeff looks pretty happy too, because they are finished! Ohhhhhh, Jackkkk! You still need to put the downspout back on the house, you silly boy! After our helpers went home, Louie and I put the window trim back up, and did a little touch up painting....
...then Louie helped me get the windows dressed up again, and I put everything put back in it's place.While I was getting everything back in it's place, Louie moved the cars back home from in front of the neighbors house, and filled our Goldwing up with gas, and we went for a little ride. (We left the trailer at home, this was just the best picture I could find of our bike.) Yippee! I love our Goldwing! We rode probably about 60 miles, making a loop from home, to Preston, to Bellevue, and back home again. We didn't want to stay out too long, as dusk was nearing. We saw about 6 deer. Two of them were standing on the shoulder (two different spots) with their heads down, and they heard us (we have deer whistles), looked up, and just stood there. Whew!!! It was a nice ride.

Soooooooo, as Porky Pig would say.............

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh! The windows look wonderful! Nice job and isn't it just such a blessing to have people who can do it? Way to go! Hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  2. The windows look great and wow your fast ,every thing back in place already ,you didn't waste any time .Love the pic of the fellows doing the happy dance LOL.

  3. Great job on the windows and already everything is back in place. The pictures were great but I love the one with them doing the happy dance.

  4. The Windows look great! Great Job!!! Do you have them all replaced? I know that is a big job.

  5. To bad that trailer doesn't hold passengers I'd love to go out riding with the two of you.

  6. Your new windows look beautiful, and I like the results inside and out. Your room is so cozy and charming.

  7. Your windows look great and I'm sure you'll be enjoying them for a long time!

  8. Ok, I read this post the other day but didn't get to comment. I totally missed that it was Louie's birthday the first time I read it. =( I suck!!


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