Friday, July 11, 2008

Office Changes

Remember when the far east corner of my office looked like this? I had an 8' banquet table set up, with my second computer at one end, and a little tv and dvd player (which I never used) on the other end, with 'stuff' in the middle? I liked it well enough, but it wasn't very user friendly, and there was just a lot of 'stuff'. My paper shredder was sitting in front of my photo albums in my bookcase. I decided my office needed a change. I wanted it to not look as 'busy' and more functional, so here is what I came up with. I took down my 8' banquet table and put it out in the garage. I moved my file cabinet from under the back windows to over in front of the east window, and next to my mirrored closet doors. I also cleaned out my closet today! Woo hoo! (Lordy, that was a HUGE chore.)Louie brought in one of my heavy 5' banquet tables, (you would not BELIEVE how heavy those tables are!)and set it up next to the book case. I put my second computer on the far end, and hid all the wiring under the table, covered with a tablecloth. I didn't set my tv/dvd up again. They are in my closet. My plastic drawers on wheels also are hidden under the table. I put my shredder in the corner, threw a big round crocheted table topper over the top of it, and set a vintage cosmetic case on top of it (shredder unplugged) with silk greenery and flowers. I will move them temporarily when I need to shred papers and junk mail.Here is a view from the other side of the table. I can see the tv in the corner by my other computer just fine from this computer. I have plenty of room to move my chair around and it is very comfortable.You can see how my table is right up next to the end of my bookshelf. I set another one of my vintage cosmetic cases with some greenery, on the floor in front of my bookcase. My normal computer area is pretty much the same.........and my other file cabinet is still next to the doorway. I really like the look and feel of this new change.Thanks for visiting today, and looking at my 'new' office!

And there you shall eat before the Lord your God, and you shall rejoice in all to which you put your hand, you and your households, in which the Lord your God has blessed you.
Deuteronomy 12:7


  1. Oh just have such a knack for decorating. It looks wonderful.

  2. Oh I love the new look. Doesn't it just feel wonderful to redo and get rid of a few things. I"m still on my cleaning out phase and enjoying it very much.

    Lots of love to you sweetie.

  3. Your new office look is great. Amazing how a few changes can change things.


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