Thursday, August 21, 2008

My New Doors Are Here!!

Woo hoo! Last night Louie and I went to Cedar Rapids to pick up our special order door, and to pick out our new front door. We actually wanted them both to be the same, but 2 weeks ago when we went to buy the back door, they didn't have any 32" doors like the one on the right, so we ordered the other one. We will love it, I know, but last night, they HAD 32" doors like the one on the right! GRRRRrrrr......Oh well, I LOVE lots of light, and it will brighten up the lower level just fine. I will put a couple sheers on the inside of the door, over the window anyway, for privacy.

The next time I show you these doors, they will be a deep dark maroon on both sides, (or close to it, I hope). They should get in to the body shop early next week for a spraying. We are also going to have a door which leads from Louie's shoppe to the outside painted the same color, but that door is not new. Our plans are to hopefully be able to install them over Labor Day weekend. Woo hoo!!!
Have a wonderful, blessed day!

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. "If any one hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Revelation 3:20


  1. The design is so pretty and with them being painted a deep maroon they will give your place lots of curb appeal.

    Installation time is not far off.


  2. Such nice doors, I can't wait to see them painted and installed. You and Louie are really doing alot of home improvement!

  3. Love the doors ,there going to look smashing .Don't forget to post pictures when there done .


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