Sunday, August 10, 2008

Window Well Covers and New Door Order

Louie got our window well covers in place this morning. Our yard slopes downhill from the front of the house to the back. This window well cover fit snuggly under the siding, and down against the ground with no help holding it in place.The next one needed some help being held in place.......... This last one does not fit near the ground as we would like, but we did get it up under the siding. Louie cracked the siding, but we will fix it with caulk. As you can see, the siding is full of dirt. We had a heavy rainfall one day this week, and our eave spout with clogged with leaves and twigs, ran over, and made a huge mess of our nice new dirt. Now we need to bring in more dirt, even it back out, and get the dirt off the siding. I had to clean the dried dirt out of the screen, and clean the dirt off the outside of the window, but now it is all nice and clean again.
Yesterday, we ordered our new back door. It is a full glass door with enclosed muntins. That will make cleaning the glass very nice since it will be solid glass on both sides, and the muntins will be out of the way of dust and dirt. Our door will look like the picture below, only ours will be a right hand door. The photo is a left hand door. We will need to get it painted before installing, but it is a steel door, and I have bought two magnetic curtain rods so I can put a sheer panel on the inside of the door. We are thinking of asking our body shop friend to paint it for us. I am thinking dark maroon! The extra light from the full glass will be very nice, and having a nice energy efficient door will be a welcome change. Go away Old Man Winter!
I must prepare for winter's cold,
My harvest I must reap,
For when Jack Frost the forest claims,
Within my hole I keep.
Gaynor's Songs of the Child's World


  1. One project finished...and another almost halfway and Louie are moving right along.


  2. Wow! You are really doing alot of improvements! Everything looks so nice. I love the new door! Very nice, I think it will look wonderful painted maroon.

  3. They look great, you must be starting to feel like you live in a brand new house. You and your husband must be very good do it yourselfers.

  4. hmmm. I've never seen one of those window well things. We don't have many basements here. Is that why? Also, we don't get much rain around here. Maybe that's another reason why I've never seen those.

    I enjoy these bits of daily life from different parts of the country!


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