Friday, October 24, 2008


I got up this morning, and I have to admit, I haven't wandered too far from my computer. I am trying to catch up on reading my favorite blogs, most of which are of the spiritual, inspirational nature. I don't spend much time on them during the week, as I don't have time, but I try to on the weekends.

So, I was really getting into God's word this morning, and I heard an email come in. It was from 'Residential Customer', which means my sweet husband and best friend, Louie, from work. The subject of his email was 'Oooooops'. His message was: 3 AM today brietbachs restaurant burned to the ground, 10 months to the day from the last fire. It burned to the ground on Christmas eve, 2007. Breitbach's is a restaurant in a historic little town called Balltown, north of Dubuque Iowa, which is a favorite of many, and has been in business for many years. It is a family business, and people come from all over, even from out of the state, to visit. It is a popular little place for motorcycle groups to stop, and a favorite place to go when out looking at autumn leaves, just like the season we are in right now.

I immediately went to Google and searched and this is what I found. Click on 'Watch the Video'. You can do the same thing to see the fire. Don't forget to turn off my music before you watch it.

After watching the fire video, I started crying, because I felt so bad for Mike and Cindy Breitbach, their family, and the whole town, and imagined how they must be feeling...the sorrow, the devastation, and wondered if they were questioning 'Why', and further yet, why God would let this happen.

Trying to compose myself, I went back to the blog I was reading. There was a video at the end of the post, and Fernando Ortega was singing 'Give Me Jesus'. I had never heard that song before, and it only amplied the tears that were already falling.

God is good.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)


  1. Oh NO, not again! Those poor people. We were up in August after they re-opened and the place was beautiful!

  2. I just went there a few weeks ago and stood crying as I read the story of the community response to the last fire and the rebuilding. Now tohave it happen again exactly 10 months later. I cannot imagine how the Breitbachs and the community feel.

    Thanks for the story.

    Mary in Chicagoland but formerly from nw IL


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