Thursday, October 9, 2008


Two sweet and crazy co-workers of mine, Beth and Brenda gave me some birthday gifts at work. My birthday is Saturday, so I got them early. I was so surprised, and so excited! Both gifts are hand made!

Here is the bear they gave to me. She is so cute! I love all the little details to her. Lace, ribbon, buttons, and lots of hand stitching and applique. Her knees are buttons...(I did notice she has no panties though! I told those girls she needed panties, as a proper lady wears panties, afterall!)

They also gave me this cute pumpkin/jack-o-lantern. I love it. When it is halloween, I can show this side.......and for fall and thanksgiving, I can show this side.I love that the girls made it an autumn bear, rather than a halloween bear, so she can stay out until it's time to decorate for Christmas! I also got a cake for two. I think there was actually more frosting than there was cake. Yum! Weren't those girls just too sweet?Thank you, Beth and Brenda!

As a post script, after a few people commented, I decided I needed to add that Beth is actually a relative through marriage to me, although I really had not met her officially until about a year ago. She is the wife of my cousin Jeff, who was in the same grade as me in school. My dad passed away when I was twelve, and our family moved away from the town Jeff and I lived in when I was 15. My mom had already remarried when I was very young, so seeing my dad's side of the family just didn't happen. I am so glad to have met again, and to know some of my dad's relatives! As an added benefit, when it snows alot and the weather just is not good enough for Beth to drive 20 miles home, she will stay overnight with Louie and I, so I get to enjoy her even more, than just at work!


  1. Happy Birthday! The bear is wonderful - and so are your friends. blessings, marlene

  2. Michelle,

    Happy Birthday....

    That was so sweet of Beth and Brenda to give you those gifts and then the cake just made it even more special. Loved both the gifts and you can enjoy them for such a longer time since they are fall - not halloween.

    Do something special for your big day...

    God bless you...


  3. What lovely presents. Enjoy your cake and have a great day tomorrow. Happy Birthday

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  4. That bear is just so cute ,what a nice thing for your co workers to do .The cake looks Yummy
    Happy Birthday and yes do something you enjoy on your special day .

  5. Don't you just love your bear? I certainly do! What thoughtful friends you have! Happy Birthday, Michelle!


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