Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hibernation And Admiration

I felt a sadness yesterday as Louie and I were leaving to put our Goldwing away for the season. Our good friend, (my adopted 'mom') Mrs. D (who was also my Home Ec, Childhood development, etc teacher from 1970-73) offered again this year to let us store our Goldwing in the other half of her garage so Louie could park in our garage this winter. Louie hooked up the trailer and off we went, with me following in the van to bring him back home. We're sure there will still be a few nice days that we will be able to ride, but we will just have to go get the bike first, or leave from there. A few years ago, when I had my Silverwing, we had my nephew for the day, and we picked up the bikes and went for a nice ride. The sun was shining, and it was just a beautiful day, truly deserving of thankfulness. After we unloaded, our friend had a wonderful meal prepared for us! How nice was that? Awesome! Here she is doing US a favor, and she feeds us. We stayed all evening, visiting. I asked her to make a list of some things we could do for her. She only had a small list, but we helped her do a few things that are sometimes difficult for her, and I played with her computer, doing some maintenance and upgrades that needed to be done. We visited for a long time, and she showed me all she is doing in the quilting department.

Mrs D and I go back a long time, as I have mentioned before. She taught in 'Small Town' (fictious name) Iowa, and in May of 1973, my family drug me moved our family to Large Town (about 22 miles away) Iowa so they could be nearer to their job. I DID NOT want to move, as I only had two more years of school left, and had never lived, or gone to school anywhere else. (HOWEVER, I would never had met my best friend and sweetie Louie, if I had NOT moved. Blessings do come from the most painful situations!) My older brother only had one year left of school, so he didn't want to move either, but we did. I lost contact with Mrs. D for about 32 years, (until about 3 or 4 years ago...that's a hole 'nother' story!) What a blessing to have her back in my life! I invited her to join our 'Loose Tensions' quilting group the second Saturday of each month, right after we reconnected. Oh.... she didn't know. She said she would come if she could bring her knitting with her, as she was working on some Christmas projects. She didn't know if she was interested in quilting or not, but she would come visit us, if that was ok. Well, right now, I can't remember what her first quilt was, but she was BITTEN by the quilting bug, and I don't think she has come up for air yet! Her quilting accomplishments put mine to shame! She has three sewing machines set up at all times, and she has made her kitchen her 'creative center'. She loves to quilt, and I am so happy for her. I wonder if she could tell me how many quilts she has made. (The challenge is ON, Mrs. D!)

Her '80 somethingth' birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and we quilting girls are just so proud to have her be a part of our group. She brings laughter and inspiration to us all. The quilt below is one she made for her church fundraiser last year. It is a doily quilt, and she quilted it all by herself on my machine quilting frame. I only hope I am blessed with as much determination and stamina, sense of humor, and compassion as this lady has when (and if) I reach the same point in my life. She is one of the strongest people I have ever met. She was a listening ear, and a comforting shoulder when I was a young teenager, and she still is today. She is very involved in different clubs and charitable activities, and offers to lend a helping hand whenever, and to whoever, she can.
About two years ago, we recruited Mrs. D's daughter Barb, to join our quilting group, as well. What a sweetie!We also got the pleasure of meeting Mrs. D's oldest daughter Becky, when she was back to celebrate a very special birthday for Mrs. D. We were so pleased that all three women shared their day with us quilting girls. Becky is the gal with the peach sweater. She traveled a very long way to be with us. I also have to mention that while most of us quilting girls live in the same town, Mrs. D and Barb have to travel about an hour each way for our quilting get togethers, so we really apppreciate their sacrifice to be with us.Thank you, Mrs. D. I love you. You mean more to me (and Louie) than you will ever know.

25 The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself.
Proverbs 11:25


  1. She sounds like a wonderful lady to have in your life. I betcha your and Louie are equallu as important to her too.

    Enjoy the week ahead that God has planned for you.

  2. What a great story , she truly does sound like a wonderful lady ,you must have been thrilled to fine her again .It's great that you can give back by doing little things for her I'm sure they are greatly appreciated .


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