Friday, October 10, 2008


I went to Hobby Lobby today, which was a bad thing, but also a good thing! The bad thing was, I wanted to buy a nice large mirror for the 'dead' wall next to my refrigerator, which is actually the backside of my entry closet. This wall is actually worthless for anything other than just decorating. When we first moved in, I tried sitting a little bench, and some different things in front of it, but as we had to walk so close to it, it just didn't work.

One day several years ago, I asked my sweet husband if he would build me a fence. I knew that I couldn't KICK or TRIP over that, so he built me a wonderful wooden fence, and notched it to fit the trim molding, and screwed it to the wall. I stapled fake greenery to it, and decorated it. I used to have a Home Interior picture above it that was a garden shed, and fence, and floral garden, but the size of the frame was much smaller, and after several years, I got tired of it, and wanted a mirror for there. Actually, I've wanted a mirror there for a long time. I love mirrors. They make the space look a lot larger. (They make other things look larger too...that's why I DON'T LIKE TO LOOK IN THEM! LOL!!!)

The bad thing, also, was that I was in Hobby Lobby for almost THREE HOURS! Are you reading this Angie? I know why you are hooked! I'm just glad I have to drive 40 miles to go to Hobby Lobby, or I'd be there daily, and that WOULDN'T be a good thing! I kept walking around and up and down the aisles and saying 'almost out loud', 'Oh My Lord! I can't believe all this neat stuff here!' and 'Wow, that is awesome!' and again, 'OH MY LORD SAVE ME FROM BANKRUPTCY!'

Ok, I'm rambling now....the GOOD that ALL wall hangings of any sort pretty much were 50% OFF! The mirror I got was normally $90, so I got it for $45. Not bad! Here it is above my fence.Then, 'Oh My Lord, hold my socks on!' Look at this awesome pinwheel! It looks like a quilt! I quilt! I love quilting! I love fabric! It's 50% OFF! Woo hoo! Regular $60, half is $30. No matter what, I'M GETTING IT! It measure 28" from point to point straight across. I LOVE IT!My original intentions were to hang this pinwheel above the mirror, but you know what? I ran out of wall! I was talking to Mrs. D on the phone after I got home, and she told me to tell Louie to build a taller wall. Louie said, 'Hey, no problem! I'll just punch a hole in the ceiling, and we can push the point up into the ceiling until it fits on the wall!' Ok, not an option. Plan B...take down a couple things and put it above my rocking chair with my pinwheel quilt on the back of it. That works! Hmmmm..I might have to make a new quilt to match the pinwheel on the wall! I also bought fabric. I needed some fabric for my quilting fat quarter exchange tomorrow, so I bought 5 yards of the floral fabric, and 3 yards of the green and brown polka dot fabric. I also bought 5 calendars. There are only 3 pictured, but two of them were gifts, so they are already gone. I paid full price for these, but I buy them every year regardless, so at least that chore is out of the way! I have two Lang Calendar Holders which I use every year. One is in my living room, and one is in my kitchen. The third calendar, I hang down in the quilting area without the holder. The two calendars I gave as gifts, I give every year, as we gave the holders as gifts, so we provide a new calendar for them each year as well. I got some awesome things today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ME!

I did call my sissypoo Nancy while I was in the Quad Cities, and when she got off work, she called me back. She came to Hobby Lobby to meet me (see, I told you I was in there almost 3 hours!)We ran across the river to Moline and ate at Ryan's, then we went to one Goodwill before I dropped her back at her car. I needed to go to Sam's before I got home, but she went on home, as she was not feeling the best. I did enjoy the time we got to visit, even though it was short.

I got home about 8:15, and here it is almost midnight. I guess I best get to bed before I don't get any sleep. No sleep and rotary cutters don't mix, so Goodnight all!

Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4


  1. Michelle, I am like you when it comes to Hobby Lobby...I could spend a small fortune in there...also good the closest one is about 30 miles away to us.

    I really like the pinwheel star...I bet you were tired by the time you got home...but a good kind of tired.

    Have fun today with the "quiltin
    guild ladies"...

  2. I love Hobby Lobby, too! Unfortunately (for my wallet), there are 2 in my city and I can get to either one in 10 minutes. So, I'm careful to use the 40% off coupon that comes out just about every other week. The fabrics are a good price and they're always on sale. Your pinwheel star is great...hmmm, there might be a run to HL in a little while!

  3. I'm like Carla - I watch for those coupons. If nothing else I can use them on things I always have to buy, like Steam a Seam. But still, I try not to go too often - it's just too tempting! blessings, marlene

  4. Happy Birthday, Michelle! Girl, you and I could do some damage together in Hobby Lobby, I think.

    Guess what I bought today? Two cans of indoor paint in a satin finish -- a light khaki. Do you think I have it in me to paint my bedroom one more time?

    I'm thinking on it.

  5. Yes, I see you spent 3 hours in HL and I don't blame you one single bit! I went yesterday and today and only spent like $10 so I behaved myself pretty good. HL just has the best stuff, in my opinion, and for the best price when it's on sale. Your mirror looks great in your kitchen and that fence is just the cutest! Just think - you can change out the stuff you put on it for the seasons. Oooh, I can already picture it decorated for Christmas. I am already excited about Christmas 'cause I see all the stuff in the stores. I am already planning how to do my trees this year. I also really like that star/pinwheel art piece. I can feel your pain about running out of wall space! I guess I'll have take down some stuff and rotate what I have on the walls. We're crazy, aren't we?!

  6. After all that typing, I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  7. Happy Birthday! Hobby Lobby is a dangerous store for me too! Good thing, the closet one is 45 miles away so I don't get there very often (but when I do - look out!). I love the pinwheel and the polkadot fabric. How fun!

  8. Oh my I missed your Birthday, Happy Birthday, I'd say you had a great day and don't you just love Hobby Lobby. I hope your sewing day went well too.

  9. Love the pin wheel ,glad you had a good day .


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