Friday, November 14, 2008

Friends are AWESOME!

This is my friend Sherri, and her daughter Katie. Sherri and I have worked at the same factory for a very long time, even before her daughter, pictured with her, was born. (Katie is 17 now, by the way.) A few years back, Sherri and I used to go 'junkin' every Friday. I enjoyed those days, but eventually, those days came to an end. We still are friends, we just don't get to spend a lot of time together anymore. Anyway, Wednesday at work, Sherri tracked me down, and told me she had left a little gift on the testing counter in my work area (I was in a separate soundproof room working on another machine). I thanked her, and she left, but it didn't take me long to 'come out of my hole' and see what she had left me. This is what I saw. A tiny Boyd's Bear named Camille popping her head up above the top of the gift bag. And THIS is what was inside! An angel! I love it!There was no special occasion. She was just out 'junkin', and thought of me. She told me it was because I always do nice things. I was deeply touched by her kindness, but more happy because when she thinks of me, she calls me 'Friend'.

Thank you, Sherri. I love you.
No love, no friendship can cross the path of our destiny without leaving some mark on it forever. Francois Mauriac


  1. What a good friend you have Michelle . My very best friend died almost 2 yrs. ago and I miss her so much .
    thank you for visiting me today and I hope if you cooked the apples you liked them . Have a blessed evening

  2. What a sweet friend - thoughtful gifts that come when we aren't expecting them are the very best ones. blessings, marlene

  3. How very sweet! You are so blessed to have such a special friend!

    Hugs, Sharon

  4. What a precious thing for your friend to do for you. That was really sweet!


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