Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Think I Won....

a small lottery...from God. Today Louie and I were out 'junkin'. We went to Dubuque, because there really aren't that many places to shop 'junk'. We didn't want to be gone long, and we didn't want to spend a lot of money. There were only three places we went, and we really scored, (I won't be taking a photo of Louie's Sand Wedge (golf)), but the first place we went, I could hardly contain myself! I bought 14 1/2# of quilting/machine embroidery/silk ribbon embroidery/crochet/machine quilting/and paper piecing books, magazines, and pattern booklets. The first 6 books here are thicker books. Twenty cents for each book! Below are Bernina Machine Quilting Secrets, Embroidery in Sulky, YoYos and Doily embellishing booklets, a paper piecing magazine, and a couple more quilt magazines. Lap Quilts & Totes (pattern booklet), Birds of a Feather Quilt booklet, We Adore Him quilt pattern booklet, Foundation Piecing Quilt Labels booklet.But the deal of the day? A new in the (torn) package, 'Square in A Square Ruler' and instructions, and Advancing On II with the Square In A Square Ruler(thick) booklet. How much for everything in the picture (not each---everything!) below? Twenty cents!The checkout girls were very young, and probably just thought these were 'old lady' books, and who would want them anyway? Ha ha! I felt like I should have been wearing a mask and holding a 'stick up' weapon. I couldn't get to the car fast enough. (I didn't take all the books. There were more crocheting books, but I really wasn't interesting in them, and quite frankly, with 14 1/2# of books, I didn't know how much I would be spending. I couldn't believe it when the total came to................$1.90. I'm serious!

The next place we went, I bought a cute snowman gift box, and 'Billy Bass' (don't ask me why...the batteries in it were worth more than what I paid for the whole thing WITH batteries.) If anyone needs a Billy Bass (without batteries), let me know. I think I could part with him! In the meantime, Louie and I have been making him sing, 'Take Me To The Water', and 'Don't Worry, Be Happy'. He's kind of fun. Also, a Daily Blessings book, for me to use when searching for bible verses and inspirational quotes for my blog, and.................Woo Hoo!...a Casting Crowns CD! I paid a whole dollar ($1) for the cd. It's a great cd. The song 'Slow Burn', from the movie 'Fireproof' is on this album. (Another Woo Hoo!....I just found out while getting the url for Fireproof, that the movie is coming out on dvd on January 27, 2009!) I will definately get one!

I have to tell you that I truly believe this was a gift today. God was POURING blessings down on us. Yesterday, Louie and I made a decision to extend love to someone very special in our life by helping this person have something very special done to their car to make life much easier for them. Since then, blessings have been falling all over.

Last night was the third night that our internet was not working, and our television reception was very bad. Wednesday night, I had no internet, and tv was bad. It still was out Thursday morning. I called Thursday morning, and the voice recording told me there was an outage in our area and they were working on the problem. Thursday night, it was out again. Louie called, and we were told crews were out working on it, and inspecting 50 miles of cable, one foot at a time. Friday morning, about 7am, it came back. Last night, I got back from Davenport, and it was out again, and tv reception was bad. Louie called and talked to them again, and they tried to diagnose our problem. Louie told them we had had this problem a few years back, in the winter, and as soon as it got dark and cold, our internet quit, and tv reception went bad, and as soon as the sun came up and it got warmer, the internet was back. A few years ago, Mediacom ended up coming over and laying a new cable, (the old one was above, in the air, from the post to the house). What they do now, is bury the cable. Part of the problem before, was the connection at the pole. Louie told the tech that we use our computers alot, (email, blogs, eBay, entering pool league stats into an online program, etc) so we need the internet, and our service just seems to keep getting interruptions. The lady tech told Louie she was going to credit our account for ONE MONTH of free cable and internet! That is huge! We were not looking for this kind of compensation, we just wanted to get our internet fixed.

After the phone call, I suggested to Louie that he go out and wiggle the cable at the back of the house, and at the pole. When he wiggled the cable at the back of the house, (we couldn't get to the connection, as it is locked inside a box on the outside of the house) the reception jumped around, but when he went to the pole, and started messing with the connection, our tv reception was DRASTICALLY improved. He took the connection apart, put it back together, and tightened it with two pliars. INSTANT INTERNET! Praise the Lord!

You can't outgive God, so don't even try!

"Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-- pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." Luke 6:38


  1. You are 100% correct about the fact you can not outgive God. Those blessing just keep coming.

  2. Those Square in a Square rulers are pricey so you really hit the jackpot with the books, too!

  3. Right! You can't outgive God whether you are giving money, time or goods to others it will always come back because of the generosity of God.

  4. WOW-WEE!!! You did hit the jackpot!!!! Wonderful buys!

  5. Wow what a haul you managed to find. What great books. I love the Come let us adore him quilt.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  6. Hi Michelle, and thanks for stopping by my blog and for posting about my free cookbook.

    I'm curious about where you went shopping and bought your books by the pound ... was it a Goodwill Outlet store? I live in central California, and our town has 2 Goodwill Outlets, where most items are sold by the pound, but neither of those stores have many books.

    My favorite Goodwill Outlet stores --- known as The Bins -- are in Portland OR and Vancouver WA, and I went absolutely nuts shopping at them during our car trip in August. We filled 23 storage boxes and brought them back to California, and most are still waiting to be unpacked and listed on eBay, with a few treasures I'll be keeping myself.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!



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