Friday, November 28, 2008

Let The Season Begin!

I am so excited! I LOVE Christmas! Many of us are digging out our supplies to decorate our homes, and for some of us, our cars and workplace too! I love the music. I love the lights. I love the cheery smiles on the faces of most everyone you meet (ok, there are a few who just don't 'get it', or are regular Scrooges' all year long). I love the Christmas programs. I love the homemade candy and pastries. I love the extra days off work with pay! I love all the outdoor decorations, and the gatherings of friends and loved ones. I also love the gifts, but that is not what is important to me.

This is also a time when we need to THANK our loving God for giving us His Son, Jesus. He sent Jesus for a purpose. He sent Jesus for ALL of us, so that we could be saved and forgiven of our sins. Christmas day is to celebrate His birth! Christmas day should be a birthday party for Jesus! Christmas is not about us! Christmas is NOT about us getting gifts. Jesus IS OUR GIFT, anytime we choose to receive HIM. When we receive Him, he will pay OUR debt for all of OUR sins. From that point on, we need to live For Jesus, and mold our lives by His example. Praise God!

So, can I tell you a little secret about myself? I love the season SO MUCH, I don't want it to end. I usually actually feel very sad on Christmas morning, and have been know to cry. I'm pathetic that way. When the gifts are on my lap, I feel a sadness. It's not that I don't want the gifts. It's the idea that once the gifts are opened, that is it. There is no more ANTICIPATION of Christmas, because that day is HERE. Soon after Christmas day is over, everyone will put away their Christmas music, take down their trees, and start the New Year with new promises to do better, and new resolutions which never follow through. Sad, bare, lonely looking trees will line the curb, waiting to be hauled away. All the happy faces and cheery attitudes will return to normal, and it won't return again until this time next year. (I told you I was pathetic).

The holiday hustle and bustle has officially begun, and I am happy and excited! I have already started to enjoy it. I pray that you, too, will enjoy the Season, but let's not forget the Reason FOR the Season. Let's not forget to put CHRIST in CHRIST-mas.

"I will sing for joy in God, explode in praise from deep in my soul! He dressed me up in a suit of salvation, he outfitted me in a robe of righteousness, as a bridegroom who puts on a tuxedo and a bride in a jeweled tiara." Isaiah 61:10



  1. I have such a different perspective. I like Christmas and the decorations and family gatherings and the food (!) and some of the music but it makes me a little crazy that so much celebrating starts so early and then seems to end the day after Christmas. I like to take the 4 weeks prior to Christmas (Advent) and prepare for the coming of Christ. (Tradionally it is a time of reflection and preparation for the return of Christ to the world.) Christmas eve and Christmas Day are the "holiest" days to me but I continue to celebrate throughout the 12 days of Christmas. For me, the sadness begins after Epiphany (the celebration for the Wise Men finding Christ) as that is when my tree comes down.

  2. All of us celebrate Christmas in different ways - according to our faith, culture and family traditions. But the main reason is that Jesus came to earth as a baby, died, but rose again. We serve a risen Savior. One we should mold our lives after all year long.

    During this season I pray each and every one of us seek God in all we do and say.


  3. Well said Michelle. I love the idea of Christmas but the way it has developed since I was a child has saddened me. We are working in our family to make sure we understand the celebration and it's purpose. We attend all of the special services at church, light Advent candles at home, and have changed our gift giving habits even for the grandchildren. We have explained to them that Jesus got three gifts for His birthday and we will give each of them three gifts to celebrate His birth as well. They understand that (the two year old is an exception of course to that understanding thing!). blessings, marlene

  4. I love the Christmas season as well. Since becoming a Christian I have never looked at Christmas the same way. I love attending Church on Christmas Eve. It just makes my Christmas! I cant wait to see pics of you home all decked out for the holidays!!!



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