Friday, November 7, 2008

My Soulmate, My Gift from God!

I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Bella Casa-Beautiful Home, and she did a post about her husband. She led me to Living Locurto, who is hosting links to other Meet My Husband posts. I thought for fun, I would play along, so without further ado....

This is my sweetie, Louie. His favorite thing in the world to do, is play pool. He has been playing for over 30 years. He is very good at pool, and has been on a pool league for about as long as he has been shooting pool. He is so sweet, he even lets the quilting ladies use his pool table as a workspace/cutting table each month when we meet!He has also been the 'quilting girls' Chauffeur on almost all of our day quilt trips we have taken. He does so lovingly, willingly, and joyfully. He is cheerful, kind, funny, and takes ribbing from the girls with a smile on his face. He is there to help each of us out of the rental van, and into as well. (Don't ya just love the shirt and hat we found to help him fit the part?) He is a friend to all. He is my hero in other ways too. For instance, when (and still) I started having trouble with my quilting machine, he made phone call after phone call, (after phone call.....) to try to get it fixed. He has seen this machine through it's journeys to the repair shops and back again. He will be my hero again, as he tries to fix it himself, with guidance from Juki themselves.He is my 'fix it guy'. We cannot afford to have our home renovated by contractors, so with help from family and friends, he has learned to do it himself. He has been through every project we have done....interior updates, new roof, siding, all new windows, and doors, and many projects too numerous to mention.He is my 'yard guy'. He takes care of the lawn, and all outdoor maintenances.But most of all, Louie is my BEST FRIEND on earth (Jesus is my best friend of the universe). He loves the Lord with all his heart. He is THE ONE sent to ME by God, THE ONE I prayed for when I was only 13 years old. God sent him to me when I was 15. He was my first and only love and still is to this day. We were engaged when we were juniors in high school, and married on September 11, 1975, just three short months after we graduated high school, while I was still 17. We have been married for 33 years, and those years have been the happiest of my whole life. He has a sense of humor that never ends. He is an eternal optimist, and trusting of everyone. He has a smile on his face in the morning from the moment his feet hit the floor until the day is over. He is always giving hugs, and not just to me. He hugs my family and friends, and he does it with the utmost sincerity. He tells me he loves me so many times in a day I lose count. Thanks for meeting my sweet husband, and best friend. He is the one who keeps me sane. He is one who makes me smile every day. I don't deserve him, but I am so glad God gave him to me anyway! I am blessed! ...and Louie, just so you know, (and now it's documented), I love you more!

If you would like to post about your sweetie, jump on over here and share your sweetie with us.

In the same way, husbands must love their wives as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:28


  1. What a lovely post about Louie. I loved the picture of him as chauffeur.

    Love and hugs to you both Gina xxx

  2. Awwww. He seems so sweet. I love how you use his pool table for quilting:-) So glad you participated in Meet Your Husband Day, because I got to meet you too!

  3. Such a wonderful post about your sweetie. It appears the love you both have for each other is outstanding. So glad to hear more details and and see the pictures of the "man of the house".

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I just popped over here from Living Locurto and enjoyed meeting your hubby! Loved the picture of him in his chauffeur's cute. :)

    Angie in OH

  5. Such a precious story!! I just love hearing about you and Louie!

  6. I'm found your blog through Amy's...

    Thanks for sharing about your hubby.

    BTW, my life verse is Psalm 104:34! :)

  7. I loved this post - too often we don't remember to acknowledge our husbands and how much they mean to us. They are truly gifts from God and they need to know that we know that! blessings, marlene

  8. What a great post , thanks for sharing another part of your life with us ,Louie is certainly a treasure .

  9. What a wonderful tribute to your Louie. I feel the same way about my husband ...truly blessed.

  10. My husband is my best friend too. Isn't it awesome how God knows who we need as our mate in life? We rideo a motorcycle too.

    By the way, I love that quilt on the pool table....beautiful!



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