Sunday, November 16, 2008

This Little Light of Mine....

Louie got the mantels in the gas light changed yesterday.
This little light of mine........will keep us safe and guide us in the night.
I think we may be about the only house in town that has a functioning gas light, and Louie is just so proud of it. When we first moved here, it wasn't working. It needed new parts. We found out that in about 1974, the city ordered all gas lights be turned off due to the gas shortage. They lifted that order years later, but by that time, many people had already converted their lights to electric. We did have to find, and purchase new inside working parts, but 'it lives'! When we lose electricity, it is nice to see that we still have a light in the darkness.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105


  1. Michelle, can Louie come over and do a few chores around here? My Electric Man has been working so many hours it's crazy! No time for all my honey-do's. Can you imagine??

    I love this post. It reminds me of so many things from the past -- sweet memories of my daddy working for the gas company when I was a little girl. Once, I had chicken pox and had to stay home from school. Even though my mama stayed home, Daddy let me go with him to check gas meters. A precious memory.

    Also, growing up, we always seemed to have a gas meter in the front yard. Girl, I love them!

    Thanks for this post.

  2. My parents had a gas light when I was growing up. It beckoned me home. Good memories. blessings, marlene

  3. oh wow a little bit of history ,how nice .Good for Louie he has every right to be proud .


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