Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Home For Christmas!

We got lots of snow again, last night and today. This morning, it was snowing HUGE, beautiful snowflakes. By 11am, it had pretty much quit and the sun came out, but it is still very cold, and going to get colder. It is also windy. Wind chills are to go in the minus figures again overnight, and tomorrow. We don't have to go anywhere tomorrow, so it will be a warm, cozy, lazy day to stay in and watch movies, just chill out, and celebrate Jesus' birthday!

We're thinking we got about another 6 inches of new snow. Lord, I hope we aren't in for another winter like last winter, with all the snow. It caused so much devestation with floods in the last spring. Louie cleared the driveway this afternoon, right before I had a visitor! The UPS man was very grateful, I'm sure! My Juki is back from it's trip to Sunny Florida, just in time for Christmas! Yippee! I'll open it up tomorrow and play with it, as we are going to Louie's brother's house this evening. The Juki factory says it is ready to go. I pray it is! Merry Christmas, Me! Happy Birthday, Jesus! You ARE the GREATEST GIFT OF ALL!


  1. Lots of can keep it...just give us some moisture in another form...such as rain...not ice.

    Here is hoping your sewing baby is all fixed up after the trip to Florida.

    Merry Christmas to both of you from us here in Oklahoma


  2. Hi Michelle! I'm so happy that your Juki is for the fun of sewing. blessings, marlene

  3. Merry Christmas! So happy Juki got home in time for Christmas. Have fun.


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