Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Precious Gift & Gaither Vocal Band Concert

I am well over a week behind in telling of the Gaither Vocal Band Concert we went to on December 12th at the Iwireless Center in Moline Illinois.

We were blessed with good weather, for which I am very thankful for. Had the concert been just one week later, I doubt we would have been able to go.

Louie and I went with our good friends Patrick and Christie, and we were also supposed to be going with my brother Jack, and his lovely wife Polly. Unfortunately, Polly had pneumonia, so she wasn't able to go, but my brother invited my sister Nancy to go with us, and since she was off that day, she accepted the ticket and went with us. She loved it. She had never been to a Gaither concert before.

Louie and I, and Pat and Christie met my brother in Dewitt, since he was coming from Lisbon, and when he arrived, he handed me a lovely box. He said it was for me. Me? Oh, wow! I was excited. I wasn't expecting a gift! I opened the box, and (although it was not lying on my kitchen floor, as pictured here) this is what was inside! A quilt! For me! I am a quilter, so rarely do I receive a quilt for a gift. Polly had made this lap sized quilt just for me! Isn't it cute? She sewed bells on it in several different places within the Christmas bulb. What a brilliant idea!
I am proudly displaying it on the back of my rocking chair in my kitchen sitting area. Thank you so much, Polly! I love you!
We proceeded down the road, and picked up Nancy, then headed to Moline. We only had to walk about 3 blocks, which really wasn't too bad. We have had to walk farther when we have gone before. There were many different singers and groups at the concert, but one of my favorites was the Gaither Vocal Band.This night, they had a surprise guest singing for Guy Penrod, who was taking a little break. I think we were all a little disappointed when we noticed Guy Penrod had a temporary replacement, but our disappointment quickly vanished once we heard him sing! Oh, can Jason Crabb sing, and he's kind of cute too!!! He is part of the Crabb Family, but does have a few solo albums of his own.I also enjoyed Ernie Haase and Signature Sound. What a group of energetic guys!I found this video on youtube, and although this video was not performed at the concert we attended, this is part of a typical Gaither concert, and shows a little bit of what Ernie Haase and Signature sound is about. In case you are not familiar with Gordon Mote, (seen in this video) he is the Gaither piano player. He was born blind, and this guy is absolutely fantastic. He replaced Anthony Burger, when Anthony died suddenly a few years back. Enjoy the video, and don't forget to turn off my music player.

Here's a nice video with Gordon Mote. Enjoy!
Sing for joy, O heavens, for the LORD has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song, you mountains, you forests and all your trees, for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, he displays his glory in Israel. Isaiah 44:23

1 comment:

  1. Great trip and concert! The quilt is just right for your kitchen spot. I love your blog, Michelle. Merry Christmas!


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