Monday, December 22, 2008

White Christmas? No Problem!


  1. I hope that you and Louie have a wonderful Christmas!!!

  2. Hi Michelle.........White Christmas here in Ohio, and it looks so pretty and much better for Santa to get around. I enjoyed my visit at your lovely home. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season filled with many blessings.

  3. Everything looks wonderful ,snow is a bad word around here right now ,what a weekend ,with more to come .I like snow for Christmas day but that's about it .Please Mr. Weatherman NO More .

  4. It's cold here today but going to be warm after this and I'm grateful for that. Merry Christmas! blessings, marlene

  5. The snow is beautiful. Your entry is so inviting and warm. Merry Christmas to you and Louie.

  6. Merry Christmas to you and your family .

  7. Michelle,
    I wish you and Louie the most blessed of Christmas! You are such an inspiration to me. You share you heart with all of us when you post on your blog! I feel it a privelage to have such a good online friend.



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