Sunday, January 11, 2009

Hexagon Fever is Contagious!

My friend Patty (aka 'Pattykins' or 'Patrica'--no, not Patricia...Patrica without the 'I'...that's what I meant...Patrica...Oh, it's a long story...maybe I'll tell you some day) came up today so I could help her get started on a hexagon quilt. She brought her fat quarters and some pieces of fabric she would cut into fat quarters, and she jumped right on it and got cutting and ironing. I worked on my quilt while she was preparing, then when she got all the prep work done, I helped her get started on the cutting, and we got her first few rows laid out. After we got about 5 or 6 rows laid out, we picked up each row in the order to be sewn, and she got started. She needed to leave to make supper for her husband, so she left about 5, but look how much she got done today! Doesn't it look great? She does a good job at choosing colors. Basically, she chose green, burgandy, and gold/brown. She has additional rows ready to sew already, so the next time I see this quilt, which will be Saturday, it will probably be huge! I know could happen!
I worked on my quilt a little longer after she left. I already had about 7 rows stacked in order ready to sew, from last night (ok, it was after midnight, so technically this morning), so all I needed to do was sew my strips. Because I don't trust myself, I only sew one strip, then I sew it to the quilt top, sew another strip, sew that on, and so on. So this is how it looked last night when I quit for the night, and how it looked this morning (just so you remembered).This is how it looks tonight, and I have about 5 new rows pinned and ready to start sewing before I have to stop and figure the layout again. I gave up on trying to repeat, or have a method. Now I am going by what fabrics I have in my hand and filling in gaps! A genius, I am!...NOT! Ha!Oh, and I put a green 'patch' on my ironing board. Seems the girls and I have worn the fabric plumb OUT over the years. I fused it over the bad spot. We'll see how it does. If it doesn't work, I'll get a new one. If it does work, it was a quick, easy, 'green' fix. GREEN, get it? Oh, I crack myself up. I think I'm getting punchy from quilting overdose! I'm out of shape, girls!I doubt I will get any more sewing done until Friday or Saturday, because I am pretty much worthless on weeknights, but also AMERICAN IDOL STARTS TUESDAY NIGHT!!!! Gotta watch it! Saturday our quilting group is getting together again, so I know it will GROW more on Saturday.

Thanks for stopping by and THANKS for all the nice comments I have received. You are all GREAT!
Have a wonderful week.


  1. Giggle! I can't wait for American Idol!!! That is something that the boys and I watch together! Lots of fun!

    I just love how your quilt is coming along! I will probably make this quilt later, after I finish a few other things first! I just can't get over how wonderful yours looks! Love your fabrics too! By the way...what ruler do you use to cut? The triangle? I don't have one so I may have to pick one up...

  2. Love it, I am like Kristie...which ruler do we need...I do want to try this quilt.

    Have a good week.

  3. Ohhhh I love it !!! You have really gotten me wanting to dig out my fabric!! I love quilt made from scraps. This pattern lends itself so well to that. I am not sure I know what kinda ruler you should use?? I know I dont have one like that but I could buy one.


  4. Ok this is my second trip to your site today! I am really into this quilt. My problem is space for a sewing. I dont have a room I can designate. I noticed you have your stash kinda scattered? do you have pics of your sewing space and how you store your supplies on your site? I looked and I might be looking in the wrong place. I think you are so talented at coming up with functional yet adorable ideas. I really need suggestions and help!! How can I make the sewing stuff blend into my home????

    ps. you can email me the answer. !! Lub ya hugz!!

  5. I love it Michelle now I will have to go check and see if I have that ruler .Your's looks great, thanks for the inspiration .

  6. I have always loved quilts but always thought they were way too hard to make. This might be a good project for me. If so be prepared for lots of questions :)

  7. Michelle, the quilt is wonderful. Maybe I could tackle that pattern! Big pieces! Seams to work up fast.

  8. I love it! I will have to try that hexagon pattern...I haven't done it before and I love scrap quilts.

  9. HI Michelle! Your hexagon quilt is very cool. I have been trying to read your blog when I get a minute! Thanx for writing it. Miss ya,


  10. What great quilts! I'm very much wanting to do some scrappy quilts right now because my scraps are obviously doing naughty things and reproducing! They are overflowing - I know God said our cup would overflow but our scrap baskets? Wow! blessings, marlene


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