Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm In Love!

My sweetie woke me up this morning before he went to work to give me a kiss goodbye, and told me he had emptied the dishwasher for me and picked up all his clothes, and tidied up a few things so I could have more time sewing today. Wasn't that sweet of him? I think I'll keep him! I was a good girl and made sure I got my vacuuming done before I headed downstairs, but that was after I spent a few hours on my computer. Hey! I can't help it! I'm addicted!

I collected my coffee, my bottle of water, my camera, my ipod, and laundry and headed downstairs. I threw the first load in the washing machine, then headed for my new sewing machine. As the laundry needed tended to, I would stop and take care of it, switching from washer to dryer, then dryer to basket, until all the laundry was done.
Last night, I got out my new expensive Supreme Slider (like $29!) which I tried once and wasn't all that impressed with, so I decided that I would lay in across the bed of the machine to protect it from scratches and nicks. I cut a big hole in it to fit around the throat plate. It is not long enough to cover from edge to arm, but wider than the machine front to back, so it actually worked out perfectly. My machine bed is now protected, and the slider can be removed easily.Can you see the slider? It is pink. Since I have invaded almost all the space in my basement with sewing machines and quilting 'stuff', I parked the new machine and table right in front of the walkout basement door. When the quilting girls come over, I will move it down to the end of our big double tables, so I can be a part of the group, but then, this is where I will sew, unless I watch a movie or television, then I will spin the table around and roll it into the living room area. Don't ya just love wheels?Oh, I love this machine! It fits into the table perfectly. The table is the perfect height, and it is so heavy and sturdy. The wheels make it a dream to move, and lock for stability when sewing. I used the knee lift all day, so I never had to lift the pressure foot with my hand. I used the thread cutter button all day, so I never had to cut a thread, and I never even used my scissors! Woo hoo! I took this next picture intentionally just to show you how short the thread cutter cuts my threads. If I was trimming with scissors, I would have snipped the threads right up to the fabric, but these threads are not long enough to worry about. (Did I mention I am in love?)I got my last four rows of strips sewn on, then added a 2" (finished) border to the quilt top.I had previously thought I would do more rows of half hexagon strips, and use each two row section to do another border, but I didn't like how it looked.... I cut 2 1/2" x 3" rectangles out of all my leftover ends of the strips from cutting the hexagons, and I am going to sew them together and make a single or double row of rectangles for the next border. Who knows? I might change my mind again. I want to add another border after the rectangle border to make the quilt larger, then I might bind in scrappy too. I guess I'll make it up as I go and create as the mood fits. In this picture all the unsewn pieces are just laid out on the floor, so it is really difficult to tell just WHAT it will look like.This was all the sewing I did, because Louie wanted to go to Mrs. D's and start his motorcycle. It hadn't been started since November, but it popped right off. We think it's because she's been riding it down to 'Scooters', (the new local hangout bar and grill for the motorcycle crowd) and getting soused with all the snowmobile riders! She has to go in the winter, because we use the Goldwing in the summer. Hey, we share. We visited Mrs. D for about 4 hours. I put a new replacement part in her sewing machine, installed a program on her computer, and registered her virus protection. Louie sprayed for bugs, collected dead mice from the basement, and un-'stuck' her icemaker so it would work again. It was a good visit, as always. She always hates to see us go. I swear she has that kitchen chair planted right up against the counter so we cant get out!
Not sure what tomorrow will bring. I want to sew, but we might go junkin again. Saturdays are our day together. We're together every other day too, but it seems even though we are in the same house, we sometimes go different directions. We also might need to go buy some more supplies, because Louie is going to add a drawer to my table, and a thin shelf under the drawer on the left side. I want a place to put my sewing machine accessories and machine manual where it is close at hand. Louie says the drawer/shelf addition will make my table look even better. He will made the addition so it lines up with the shelf my machine sits on. I know he will do an awesome job, because he always does.
You'll have to check back for pictures, as I'll post them when he is finished!


  1. What a happy post. I'm glad you are getting on well with your new machine.
    I'm doing the same as you with my hexagon quilt. a nice Piano Key border using the patterned fabrics.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  2. I love my Supreme Slider! Now, if I could just borrow someone's husband to make a sewing table like yours...!

    The quilt looks terrific!!

  3. Sounds like that new machine and table is working like a charm..especially with the slider.

    Mrs. D. must be a very special person because each time you write about her I can tell the love portrayed regrding her. Both you and Louie are joys to her too with what all you guys do for her.

    Have a fun day - junkin or whatever.

    May God bless you.


  4. What a great day you had! It sounds like you're happy with your new machine and after Louie does his "magic", you'll be all set!

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful day! Mrs. D sounds like a great person, is she the one that was your teacher?

    Louie sure sounds like a keeper! Just like my Richard! So glad that you are enjoying your machine! I LOVE how your quilt turned out. I am saving mine to take to quilt guild and work on, because there are several of them that I want to show how it goes together to...

  6. Hi Everybody,
    Yes, Mrs. D was my 7th, 8th, and 9th grade Home Economics teacher, but she was much more than that to me. She was someone I could talk to, tell my troubles to, cry on her shoulder, and her caring was genuine. She made me feel so good.

    There were 32 years that we were apart before we reconnected. That was about 4 years ago. I have adopted her as my 'mom'. I love her so much, and I know she loves me too. That makes it easy to be good to her. She helps us out in differet ways too, one being, letting us keep our Goldwing in her garage during the winter.

    The only thing she asks is that she can ride it during the winter.

  7. You were a busy, busy girl! I love the quilt and the plans for the further modification of your sewing table. I know you have enjoyed "playing" with that new toy. I'm anxious to see the table when Louie finishes. You are truly blessed.

  8. I'm so happy that you love your new machine and had an enjoyable time sewing again. The quilt top is great. Of course I've always been a fan of Louie's he's a definite keeper.


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