Saturday, January 24, 2009

Janome Table Converted!

Since we managed to get my Janome 6600, it was time to convert this (computer?) table into a sewing table for my new machine. Ohhhhh, I just LOVE this price!It had a nice little tray underneath it......
which Louie removed, and plans on using somewhere else.We added locking casters to make it easy for me to move it around down in the basement. Move it to sew on it, and then move it out of the way.Here, we were trying the machine on the table for positioning.Louie taped it all out to the shape of the machine.He drilled holes so he could get the jig saw blade in to start cutting.....I spared you all the gory details. The table top is very THICK and took many tools and lots of cutting, grinding, sanding and lots of tweaks before we finally got it fit.Here Louie is adding the braces to hold the shelf the machine will sit on....Here's the board we bought to make the shelf.Here, the shelf is screwed into the braces...And my new Janome is set in place. Here is the front view.Side view....
and view from the back.I can't wait until tomorrow to attach the stitch board to the back of the machine, plug it in and play with it. (Yes I can. I'm exhausted!)Thanks for sharing in my joy!


  1. OH! HOW NICE!!! I bet you are so happy to have it ready to go!!! Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow!!!! Get a good night's sleep so you will feel like doing lots of playing!

    Louie really did a nice job on that desk!

  2. Very cool! And that Louie is a keeper, for sure! Have fun with your new toy.

  3. Whoo hoo!! Great machine and how nice Louie could make that table for you!

    AND I am so jealous that you have a Goodwill with decent prices! That computer table would have been at least $20 where I live!!

  4. Blue ribbon goes to Mr. Louie for this wonderful transformation.

    Is this going to be your number one machine for making quilts now?

    Enjoy playing today.

  5. That is great! You sure do have a handy husband there!

  6. Louie did a beautiful job for you! he is a keeper! Sharyn/KalamaQuilts

  7. What a man!!!! That is an incredible desk makeover.

    Congrats on your new machine. My cousin has that machine and she loves it!

  8. Wow, recessed and everything. How nice! You better keep that guy around.

  9. Michelle, thanks to you and Louie any of us can convert a computer table to a sewing table. That is one heck of a guy! He did such a beautiful job on the box for my old Redeye. I can't wait to hear how the machine does. The casters were a terrific idea.

  10. isn't it great to be able to use a 'found' object to make just what you want?? my 6600 sits in an old computer table too AND I just love it!

  11. Congratulations on the new machine, you're going to just love it. Tell Louie he's still my hero for doing my table for my 6600. I smile and think of him each time I sit down to sew.

  12. How perfect! I never would have thought of doing that and my wonderful husband would never have agreed. :) blessings,marlene

  13. very nicely done- and I love the title of your blog--hugs from Meme

  14. How wonderful. I'm showing this post to Mal. It'll give him something to do. LOL

    love and hugs Gina xxx

  15. That looked like a perfect cut for the hole. Louie sure does neat work! I am sure that will be your favorite table. Have you had a chance to use it yet?

  16. Come on Michelle we're all dying to know how the new machine and the new table are working out together. Inquiring minds want to know. Also, have you named the machine yet???????


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