Monday, February 23, 2009

A Thank You WAY Past Due!

My sweet friend Gina, from Wales (Quilting in the Valleys) sent me some gifts around Christmas time. (See, I told you it was WAY past due!) I did not know she had sent anything beforehand, so when I got a package from her, I was really surprised.

Gina has been reading my blog since I started blogging, and I have been reading hers. She knows from reading my blog what kind of things I like, and she totally scored when she went shopping for me. Does this girl know me or what??? She knows I love doilies and lacey foo fooey things....... ...and her choices couldn't have been more perfect.Thank you, Gina. I love all the gifts, but your friendship is the greatest gift. This little plaque says it all. I love it!...and as you always say........Love and hugs xxxxx



  1. Truly some beauties in these items. That was so sweet of Gina to send those to you.

  2. Lovely gifts! Gina is such a sweetie!

  3. I'm glad you posted about them as I'd forgotten exactly what I sent you.
    I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to send them on to you when I saw them. I knew you'd love them and I'm so glad the plaque got to you in one piece. I was terrified that it would arrive as a jigsaw.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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