Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where Best Friends Gather

This is our quilting area all set up before my friends arrived. I set my sewing machine table between the banquet tables and the pool table. I added another table behind mine. The pool table is now converted to a cutting table, with another cutting table at the end of the pool table. (South looking North)Two ironing boards are placed against the wall. North looking South.Birthday girl Barb is cutting her cake, as Christie and Margaret visit with Mrs. D, Jeanne, and Polly, at the end of the table. (Don't worry girls, I'll get your pictures next time!)Patty and Leslie are hard at work cutting, as Renea looks on.I feel so blessed to have my quilting friends. We all love each other, and there is such respect among all of us. We have been quilting together for about 8 years, and it has been such a blessing. I hate it when they leave. The time just goes so fast.
Friendly People, Thoughtful People
There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24
If I have learned anything during my journey on Planet Earth, it is that people need one another. The presence of other people is essential--caring people, helpful people, interesting people, friendly people, thoughtful people. These folks take the grind out of life. About the time we are tempted to think we can handle things all alone--boom! We run into some obstacle and need assistance. We discover all over again that we are not nearly as self-sufficient as we thought.
In spite of our high-tech world and efficient procedures, people remain the essential ingredient of life. When we forget that, a strange thing happens. We start treating people like inconveniences instead of assets.
(From Wisdom for the way--Wise words for Busy People by Charles R. Swindoll)


  1. Can I please come and join your quilting group? I only wish. You have an awesome set up. You are blessed. Thank you for visiting my blog. I certainly have enjoyed my visit with you.

  2. Yes, such a wonderful set up...tables, ironing boards, and lots of laughter and fun...and don't forget the food.

    I am sure you all really enjoy the time you spend together.

  3. Great! The snow did not keep your quilting friends away! In this busy, hectic world it's so nice to see women getting together for a "quilting bee". You are blessed, Michelle. May God continue to do so. Your blog is an inspiration giving food for thought to many.

  4. Looks like you ladies always have a wonderful time! Love your quilting space!

    So what did you work on?? Anything new?

  5. What fun y'all are having! I wish that Alabama was close enough to join you. I sewed most of the day Saturday so I was a kindred spirit with all you Northern gals! So, what did you work on?

  6. Oh Michelle, my heart aches to have something like your wonderful quilting group! What a blessing! Thanks for posting these pics - I enjoyed them. And thanks, too, for your sweet comment recently. Sending a hug....

  7. What a great set up,your friends must love coming over to quilt with you .You are truly blessed .


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