Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Couple More Thank You's!

In the past two weeks, I have received a couple of 'sweet treats' from a couple of my wonderful blogging friends, Kristie and Hazel.

This first picture shows a wonderful 'sweet' little pillow sent to me by Kristie. She is just so sweet. One day while she was out 'Goodwill Hunting' she saw this beautiful little pillow and thought I would love it (she was right!), so she bought it and mailed it to me. The pillow front is made with a beautiful designed linen. Someone cross stitched a little heart, then stitched beautiful little pink flowers and vines, and added little silver beads, which actually look more pinkish to me, and then added a sweet little pink rhinestone in the middle. I love the light green fabric used for the back and ruffles. The pillow is just so soft and delicate. Now how could someone have given this sweet pillow up? I love it! I placed it in my vintage cosmetic case display with my bear and pink rose garland. It just looks like it was meant to be there, and just completed the arrangement. Thank you so much Kristie! I love it! Another sweet treat arrived in the mail on Tuesday from my dear sweet friend Hazel. On her blog a week or so ago, she showed some yo yo's she had found and was offering them to those who might want some. I told her I would love some, and she sent them. A while back, I found this jar while Louie and I were out 'Goodwill Hunting', and at the time, I had no idea what I would do with it, but I loved it. The jar just seemed perfect for my new yo yo's. I now have an 'Eye Candy Jar' with the yo yo's Hazel sent to me, and I will think of her each time I look at the jar of 'candy'. They will look perfect in my quilting area. Thank you so much, Hazel! There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

People need one another. The presence of other people is essential--caring people, helpful people, interesting people, friendly people, thoughtful people. These folks take the grind out of life. About the time we are tempted to think we can handle things all alone--boom! We run into some obstacle and need assistance. We discover all over again that we are not nearly as self sufficient as we thought.

In spite of our high tech world and efficient procedures, people remain the essential ingredient of life. When we forget that, a strange thing happens: We start treating people like inconveniences instead of assets. (from Wisdom For The Way--Wise Words For Busy People, by Charles R. Swindol)


  1. I love the pillow! Perfect spot for it also. We are so much alike in displaying our treasures! Displaying the yo-yos in that vintage jar is a great touch. You are a good friend to many, Michelle.

  2. So glad that you liked the pillow. Love the yo-yo's such a wonderful idea displaying them that way!

  3. What thoughtful friends Michelle. Good friends are truly gifts from God. blessings, marlene

  4. Your welcome Michelle ,your such a good friend of course we love to send small treats to you .What a cute pillow ,the way you have it displayed looks wonderful .


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