Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Late Evening Visitor!

I was almost asleep last night (8:30…hey! In my defense, was up early yesterday!) when I heard a truck pull up in the front of my house. I wondered who it could be?! I had expected a package yesterday, but when it didn’t arrive by 6pm, I figured I would just have to wait until Monday. I looked out the window, and didn’t realize what the truck was, but then I saw a man running up my driveway. Oh! I know who that was! The Fed-Ex man!

fedextruck fed-ex_shipping_man

Ok, so it wasn’t THIS Fed Ex man, but you get the drift! Wanna see what he brought me? Eight spools of Hemingworth Polyselect thread! Since I have been trying new things, I want to try quilting with this thread, but in the meantime, I’m just going to enjoy looking at them!

add finger pointing Aren’t they cute????

Snowflake__1000__48802b018f1fc Vari_Pink___1000_48838f8216ca9 varigated purple Soft_Grape___100_4885f5c351057 Raspberry__1000__487ff43d16d39Vari_Green___100_48838e83cdcdd Wintergreen___10_4882464f17bfc Forest_Glen___10_48824fbcad274

I am happy that my shopping can be done via the internet, as my home town has absolutely no places to shop for specialty items like this, (or anything else, for that matter..all we have is Walmart) and if I were to drive to bigger neighboring towns to look for what I wanted, I would spend a whole lot more of my money in gas, plus lots of my time, and I still might not find what I am looking for. ‘At my door’ delivery is wonderful for me. The closest quilt shop is about 40 miles away, and not every quilt shop carries every item I might like.

My Magna-Glide bobbins were delivered on Thursday, so I should be set. bobbins_thumb

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!


Be blessed,




  1. The spools are cute...I would line them up and just look at them. The little carrier they are in is adorable.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. I wish that was THE man standing at the door. I have collected quite a few of Sulky and Valdani variegated threads and aren't they like candies.

  3. They are soooo cute!!! I love it!! I understand about nothing being close. i have the same problem. We only have a Walmart and It is discouraging. I am off to the Big City today to just get away for the day !!
    Hugs my friend.


  4. Those are beautiful! Too pretty to use! :) Can't wait to hear how you like quilting with that kind.

    I may check out those bobbins for my new machine.

    Have a wonderful day!

  5. The threads are lovely but I know you Michelle ,what are your plans for the containers once there empty LOL ?

  6. Can I ask where you got them online? My LQS has some but don't remember seeing the varigated. Love them. Have used them to quilt with before on my home sewing machine. Worked well. I really enjoyed the whole case thing.


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