Sunday, May 24, 2009

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I am looking for a quilt block pattern that looks like this.

 Hobby Lobby 007

I know there are many pinwheel, and pinwheel star, and double pinwheel patterns all over the internet, but I have YET to find one that is two toned, and POINTY like this one.

 I found this picture on the internet, so I know there has GOT to be a pattern somewhere. If anyone can help, I would REALLY appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of where to purchase or acquire this pattern. I want to make quilt blocks like the pinwheel star I have hanging on my kitchen wall.

Pinwheel stars1

Thank you SEW much. Now, I must go. My husband….

Add Louie and Michelle half photo SMALL2 Sept4-2005

…and my Goldwing are calling my name, and they are getting impatient!  Goldwing and Trailer

Talk to ya later!



  1. Very unusual pretty with the two tones..don't think I have ever seen this pattern.

    Hope you had fun on the trip with Louie.

  2. I wish I could help you but I have not idea. I would love to see you make a quilt with that star.
    Have fun!!

  3. I'll keep my eye out for the pattern. I know they got to be one around somewhere. Hope you had a great day of riding and didn't get monkey butt, that's what my daughter calls it when she rides her Harley. LOL

  4. Enjoy your time with your sweetie!!

    I LOVE that pattern! I don't have a clue where you would find it or what the name is but if you find out let me know, because I REALLY LOVE IT!

  5. Sorry I can't help either but I do hope you had a nice ride and spent quality time with your hubby

  6. If you go here, you can find any quilt pattern.

  7. I think I found it for you!!!it looks like "The Shadow Star"
    just incase you cant get to it from this link it is in "free quilt Patterns" I use the site alot, IT ROCKS!my email;, let me know how it works for you.


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