Sunday, June 14, 2009

Just Perfect!

Well, so far, I have had a pretty busy weekend. I guess it didn’t start out that way. Thursday after work, I did manage to get my uniforms washed and hung up to dry on hangers in the laundry area, but that was about the extent of it. Oh, wait, I guess I did work on cleaning up a sewing machine to put on ebay, so I was in the basement with my sweetie until late.  Ok, so I guess I was busy…..but then I needed some blog reading time, so I was up late.

Friday morning, I got up fairly earIy, after only four hours of sleep.  Thursday after work, while Louie and I were watching our nightly Two and a half Men episodes, I picked his glasses up from the arm of his chair, looked through them, was disgusted AGAIN, about the fact that he had wet sanded the lenses about a year ago because they were scratched, (but through MY yes, I concluded that the little ‘bubble effect’ that he created was not ANY BETTER than the scratches) then I refused to give them back. I told him he would be going to Walmart  as soon as he got out of his chair, because he needed to go find some reading glasses to use while I ordered him new lenses. Do you know what the kicker is in this whole episode? He had his eyes checked after he ‘sanded’ his lenses last fall.  He told the eye dr that he thought he did a pretty good job at getting out the scratches, and the dr agreed with him!  Personally, I think the dr was probably thinking, ‘Hmmmmm….if Louie really likes to look through oblong bubbles all day, I guess that’s his prerogative, but personally, I think he’s a little wacky!’…but you know, doctors can’t say that!


So anyway, I got up pretty early, because I wanted to get to the eye dr early, as his office is only open part of a day on Fridays.  I got his new lenses ordered, and hopefully, they should be back somewhere between Wednesday and Friday.  Louie and I had an appointment we needed to go to after that, and Louie was back to work by 11am. I pretty much was a lump in front of my computer or tv for the rest of the day. I had no energy, or motivation.

About the time I should have been going to bed, I decided that I couldn’t look at my cluttered bedroom closet another minute, and started pulling clothes out I never wear any more. Then I started pulling shirts out of Louie’s side that have not seen daylight for many many moons. Then shoes, and purses….then dresser drawers.  I got that job done after a few hours, and headed toward my office.

I also have a double closet in my office that we converted to storage with wire shelves, and it was overflowing and looked sort of like this, and was about as dangerous when I slid the doors open, if I COULD slide the doors open….

mr. whoopee's closet

Do you remember Mr. Whoopee’s closet? That is where he went when he needed to find his 3DBB? (3 dimensional blackboard). Wonder why he didn’t just put it in one of his desk drawers…..hmmmm.

Here is the closet in my office with the doors closed…


…and here it is after a few more hours of organizing and filling boxes to take to Goodwill. The doors open MUCH easier now, and that scratchy, scraping sound is gone too!



Ahhhh…..I feel MUCH better now!

So, about 2am Saturday morning, I went to bed, and about 6:30, my internal alarm clock went off, and I got up. Yep, I stayed up all day. I had things to do! I had vacuuming to do, the basement to pick up and try to get organized again, toilets to clean, (you know the routine), and a shower to take.  My sweet brother called and said he and his wife wanted to come spend some time with us. We told them we needed a little more time to finish up what we were doing, but would love to spend the day with them. They came over about 11:30, and we headed for the Quad Cities to do our favorite thing….go junkin’!

The first place we went was Dynasty Buffet for lunch, then we started looking for treasures! I came home with several more movies on dvd that were older, but new to me.  The BEST thing I found though, was this piano bench.


I looked at it and just KNEW I HAD to have it. Louie looked at me and said, ‘Where are you going to put it?’ I said, ‘I don’t know, but I will figure out a place for it.’ I honestly had NO idea, but I knew I did NOT want to leave it there, or I would regret it. It really has character, is solid, and very sturdy. 

After Louie went to bed, I was going to call it a night too, but then decided to go get the bench out of the back of the van. I polished it up, and had already decided exactly where I was going to put it….


…right next to my chair in the living room. There was a space there that needed filled, and this worked perfectly.


It is the perfect place to put movies we have not watched yet, and a place to hide my dog bone neck pillow.


It is also the perfect place to put my newspaper and magazines, and the tv remote control. See? Perfect!


I thought I would show you where Louie and I sit when we are watching tv. 010

This is the view from our chairs.  011

So anyway, when we got home from the Quad Cities, we all ordered supper from a little ice cream shop that is VERY reasonable in price, sat and visited for a few hours, then our guests went home. It was a wonderful day. 

Oh.  The price of the piano bench? $14.38.

Today, the sun is shining, and while it is still pretty chilly out, later on, Louie and I are going to jump on our Goldwing, enjoy the sunshine and open road, and thank God for supplying a beautiful day for us.

I just couldn’t resist leaving this little video for you to enjoy. They just don’t make good cartoons like they used to.  Don’t forget to turn off my music before you watch it. It’s amazing. They actually used cartoons to educate kids while they provided entertainment. Ah…the good old days!

Have a beautiful, wonderful Sunday. Remember to thank God for all the blessings in your life, hug your loved ones, and tell them how much you love them, and…

Be blessed,




  1. You've been busy but it's always nice to get all those little chores done ,I often do them in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep .Why do men always say that " where are you going to put it " LOL ?great deal for that price .

  2. Michelle, Lady you have been one busy woman...on a mission and nothing is going to get in your way.

    Sounds like your Saturday was a fun one...glad for that.

    Enjoy the blessings of today.

  3. My goodness Michelle, what a full weekend! I did some closet cleaning out last week and felt so much better afterwards. I love the piano bench. I have a small bench beside Jerry's chair where he puts his books and magazines and whatever he's working on at the moment. Perfect! blessings, marlene

  4. What a busy weekend. I love the little table.

    That first cartoon is so me. I can't see a thing without my glasses. I know the chart is in front of me somewhere.

    By the way I love two and a half men aswell. It's one of the few things I have to watch every day.
    I'm in love with Jake

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. YOU have to let me know when you got the Quad Cities, my dad and step mom do yard sales and stuff.. so does my brother, they live in Moline.


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