Monday, June 1, 2009

Love, Happiness, and a Sense of Humor

I received an email about this couple today, and I wanted to share it with you. The video shows a wonderful impromptu piano performance at the Mayo Clinic by 90-year-old Marlo Cowan and his wife of 62 years, Fran.

I had to smile, because Marlo acted just like Louie would (and does), in most situations. The truth is, I don’t want Louie ever to grow up, because he keeps a smile on my face, and makes me laugh every day. God knows that I need that, and Louie is there for me, cheerfully doing his job. I only hope, if I live to be 90, that my sweetheart is right beside me, doing his job.


be blessed,


Add Bear Essentials candle


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