Sunday, July 5, 2009

Looking Out My Kitchen Window

As I stood at the kitchen sink this morning, I thought to myself, that tomorrow morning will be the last time that I will ever see this view again. Tomorrow the driveway replacement begins. Woo hoo!!!!    008                         Looking out my front door..              010

011                                       On the junkin’ scene…I found this 30” x 36”quilt at the Salvation Army store in Cedar Rapids yesterday. Yes, the SA was open on July 4th, and saved my withdrawal from junkin’.  Sew…I KNOW you will never guess what I paid for it.  Give up?  67cents! Yes, you read that right. 67cents!!!!!013                                      I wonder just how devastated the Old Capital Quilter’s Guild would be to learn that the quilt they lovingly made, and were so proud of, ended up at the SA store.  Lucky for me I guess, but how sad. How could anyone just give this away?              014                          Other goodies we found were a small quilted zipper bag, a new(broken zipper pull) GPS case (for Louie’s new Garmin he got for his birthday), and a NEW (in unopened packaging), JBL On Stage portable Ipod music dock with remote control for ME!!!!. (Ipod pictured is mine, and did not come with the dock.)It has a power cord, but also will play for about 6 hours using 4 AA batteries. Louie and I are going away for a few days with my brother and his wife to a lake house, and I thought this would be perfect in size for traveling and portability. I wish you could hear how FANTASTIC it sounds. It only measures 6” across, and the tiny 2” speakers kick butt!!!017 016                         Well, I’m off to hose the dirt off the siding on the porch. Louie is going to mow, then we’re off for the day…junkin’ and looking for a portable dvd player so I have something to do in case I am awake and can’t sleep while the rest of the house sleeps.  My brother will have his computer with him, and I can use it, but we’re not sure if we will have WI-FI, so I have to be prepared.

Post Script:018                                                   The sign says:                                              Welcome To My Porch              021  026 020     

Have a GREAT day and be blessed!


Add Michelle Motorcycle Bear


  1. Some good finds in the "junkin" dept.

    The front porch looks so inviting with the red chairs with snazzy looking pads.

    I see the bears are dressed for summer...

    Have fun on your vacation!

  2. 67 cents??? Wow. Have a great trip!

  3. You always find such good stuff! My guess is that some parent or grandparent passed away and family members thought the quilt as nothing and passed it on to SA. Looks like it is in mint condition. The is amazing to find a dock and speakers. I don't even want to think about the cost next to mine. I can't wait to see your new driveway. Hope you have a GREAT VACATION!

  4. Hello,
    I found your lovely blog site when checking for scam regarding:
    Boy, was I glad you wrote all that. What a shame it sounded so good. That happened to me once before too so I believe you 100%. So many scams now a days!

    Just want to say I enjoyed your writings, I love the music, the real home feel and beautiful pics and graphics on your pages. It makes me want to come visit you, very homey and warm, wish you were my next door neighbor. Lovely and talented and blessed... have a very blessed day.

    My little gift to you for your gift to me today...

    Finding our true reality means remaining centered "In Christ" ... in everything we do... With His Love, Joan


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