Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Thought I Bought the Deluxe Model!

(You may have to click on the comic below to read the caption)  I thought I bought the range that ‘did it all’!                                 SelfCleaningOven

Evidently NOT!                                                        

First of all, I can’t believe it has been 7 1/2 years  since I bought my new Maytag Range.  I also can’t believe I have never used the Self Cleaning oven feature on it! I should have taken ‘before’ pictures, but I probably would have been too embarrassed to show them anyway. 

A friend of ours got a new ‘used’ stove which was very much like my stove, with the glass top, and self cleaning oven. It ‘really’ needed cleaning, but the price was fantastic. I told her after a clean up, it would be good as new, but that I had never used my self cleaning oven, and I really should go home and try it.

I did just that. I came home, emptied the oven of cookie sheets and a cake pan or two, and oven racks, found the directions, opened a few windows, turned on a few ceiling fans, and turned it on. I let it cook for two hours, which was plenty of time to clean. I don’t know that I would recommend cleaning an oven in the winter time, though, because even with the ceiling fans and range vent going, and windows open, my eyes and nose did get a bit irritated. Louie holed up down in the basement watching a ‘Cubs’ game, and said he could smell it a little down there, but when he came upstairs, he said he was surprised the smoke alarm didn’t go off.

This is what the oven bottom looked like this morning after the cleaning, and before I wiped it out. It just had specks of white ash that wiped up with a wet cloth.

001                                       This is what the inside of the oven door window looked like before I took a single edge razor blade to it, and soapy water.                         002                                       And after! You can see my pot rack which hangs above my stove in the reflection of the glass. Ooooo, baby!                   006

004                                           Now if I could just get those oven racks shining like new again…….                               007

This got me thinking about a lot of other products we have bought over the years. We usually buy the products that have a lot of extra features, but realistically, we probably never ever use the products to their full potential.  Do you do things like us too?



Be blessed,



  1. I have used the self cleaning part in my stove several much better than having to do it the old fashioned way. A couple of times I forgot and left the racks in the oven...made them where they did not want to slide as easily the first three or 4 times I wanted to pull them out.

    Not using all the "bells and whistles" on items...guilty, yes! Like on my dryer - use the same one practically all the time.

    But I give thanks I have both a dryer and stove (and all the other helpful items in our home).

  2. I know exactly what you are talking about. Just other day got the instruction book out to clean oven. Lionel said it is a winter time job. Now I know better. I put alumiun foil in oven when I first got it. Learned better first time. It melted to the bottom of oven. I almost cried, but I always put alumiun foil in bottom of other stoves. You can't this one cause the coils are hidden. The foil mostly burned out but it felt like an alumiun gutter, that is hard.

  3. I agree. We want the bells and whistles but never use them! Funny huh?

  4. A self cleaning oven, how wonderful. I've got the boring stick your head in a nd scrud variety.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  5. Hello Sweetie! I have missed you! Sure wish my oven looked that clean!!!

  6. Yours looks so nice that I think that this evening I may do mine. It has needed it since Thanksgiving. Forget that I admitted to that.

  7. I guess I need to work on my oven too Michelle since I'm feeling guilty looking at yours. Darn. blessings, marlene


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