Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday-Sunday Ramblings

Yesterday (Saturday),my sweetie and I went junkin’. We had a wonderful day. We found some things to sell on eBay, but I also found some fun things. I also found a couple things I will be using for gifts for my sissypoo, so sorry, I can’t show you, because every now and then, she will read my blog.

Now, I don’t know why I have an obsession with vintage suitcases, but I do….’Hello, my name is Michelle and I collect suitcases.’ (and everyone says, “Hello Michelle!”)I DON’T EVEN LIKE TO TRAVEL! This suitcase is just a small one, which makes it all the cuter. Price? $1.95  It only measures 11” x 16”. Perfect for fabric, or cd’s or something I want to hide. I also found 6 really cute (I believe to be vintage) drinking glasses. They have gold trim and they resemble some my mom had when I was a young child, and since I’m not ‘young’ anymore, they must be vintage. I paid 30cents apiece for them. The pink fabric is a pillow case. I can see a couple fat quarters making a new life out of the pillow case. These things, I got at the DAV (Disabled American Veteran’s) store. (Remember to click on photos for a better look).live well                              The ‘LIVE WELL’ sign came from Goodwill. I paid $4.38 for it, and it still had the original tag from Kohl’s on it, priced $19.99. It is kind of  heavy, and appears to be made from some sort of metal, or fake metal. (Anything can be replicated nowadays, you know!) Not sure where it will go right now, but you can be sure, I will find a place. The brass clock is a SEIKO clock. It was $1.38 at Goodwill. It is an alarm clock. I put a battery in it, and the alarm went off, but the clock itself would not work. I asked my ‘expert time keeping fixer person’ (Louie) if he could look at it. He said he would, but not to be sad if he killed it in the process. A few minutes later, he told me it was running, and he set it aside to see if it would stay running. I asked him what he did, and he said, ‘Well, first I shook it. It started to tick, but then it quit, so I shook it again. Same thing…so I ‘whacked’ it on the side, and it took off, and right now, it is still running.’ Now how is THAT for precision clock repair? That was last night. It ran all night, and it is still running, and keeping perfect time.   Then I found the brass stamp box. $1.38. The other brass thing, I believe, but I could be wrong, (so someone correct me if I am) is a wooden match holder. I loved the look of it. I was going to attach it to the front of my (fake) fireplace mantel, between the two brass pieces I have already attached, but I didn’t think it looked right there, so I will find another place for it. $1.38 (Now, HOW could I have left it at Goodwill for that price?)               011                                           The pink swan (or is it a flamingo?) planter? I don’t get it either, but it followed me home. Maybe because it was pink?                        live well

At another Goodwill, I found some movies. MIXED NUTS is a Christmas movie, so we’ll save it for December.  DE-LOVELY is a movie about Cole Porter, starring Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd, and featuring performances by Natalie Cole, Elvis Costello, Sheryl Crow, Diana Krall, Alanis Morissette, and Robbie Williams. Well, it’s GOT to be good, doesn’t it? That will be one we’ll watch soon…..and Tyler Perry’s DIARY OF A MAD BLACK WOMAN. We watched it last night, and well… it was the play, not the motion picture. Let’s just say….. it was ‘interesting’. I wasn’t sure we would watch it all the way through, but we did. I’m just glad we only paid $3.38 for it.  Hey, you win some, you lose some.                                 dvds

SEW…yesterday before we went junkin’, I left our mail man a note on the front door. note

I was expecting THIS. 301 1 301 2case

I didn’t know when it was coming, because the gal who sold it to me on eBay, didn’t send me a tracking number, and she also didn’t tell me when she put it in the mail. I ALSO didn’t know it was going to require a signature. SEW…I was greeted with this nice little note in my mailbox. postcard                 GRRRRR….NOW I have to wait until after work tomorrow to play with it. COMMUNICATION, PEOPLE, COMMUNICATION! (Can you tell I have never learned patience?)  Louie will pick it up tomorrow when he goes to the post office to mail out some things he sold on eBay, unless the mail man already has it in his truck, then he’ll have to chase him down, because it REQUIRES A SIGNATURE, and I will be at   WORK!                                                                    

Sew anyway….my sweetie asked me what I wanted for breakfast this morning. I told him if he liked, he could try a new Oatmeal Waffle recipe I saw on someone’s blog last week. I have searched for almost an hour now, trying to find who’s blog I copied it from so I could give credit, but to no avail, so if you know, please tell me so I can give proper credit. 005                              The Oatmeal Waffles were WONDERFUL!010                             So, my sweetie told me he was going to stay home today and work on eBay, but his wife has a hankering to run the roads and do more junkin’ before another work week.  It is HOT HOT HOT and humid out today, with heat advisory warnings and a severe thunderstorm watch until this evening. Seems like junkin’ would be a perfect way to spend today, don’t you?  I’ll let you know if we went or not. 

Oh, Louie!!!! I need a fix!                               Add Carol Burnett


ps…We did go junkin’. Of course, you KNOW, I had to drag Louie yelling and screaming…ok….NOT!

So this is what I got.                     013                                     Twelve vintage sheets, and a white sheet. I have a project in mind. I want to make a Stacked Coin quilt. Do you know you can buy 13 sheets for less than $30 at Goodwill?

Of course, the array of colors and designs I found is only a start. I’m SURE I will find fabrics from my own stash, that I think will work with this bunch.  I think I will probably add some lighter solid colors as well, but I like the idea of the white background (hence, the white sheet!)

Here are a few photos I ‘borrowed’ when I googled images, to give you an idea. There are several different variations of this quilt too.                                  stacked coin stacked coin 2 stacked coin 3 FloralCoinQuilt stacked coins vickie                                           I like this quilt pattern too, and it would look nice using my sheets.                         vintage squares quilt                                     or this!                                           rail fence

Sew, I’m thinking while I’m cutting up these sheets, I will be making some fat quarters to stash away, and maybe I’ll make a little fat quarter bundle of vintage fabrics to give away via a drawing if anyone thinks they might be interested!

Be blessed,




  1. Interesting array of items you got while the suitcase a samsonite one? I got a small one when I graduated from highschool iin that color.

    Supposed to get hot here today...upper 90's. But so much better than those 100 plus days we had several weeks ago.

  2. Great buys, as always. It's nice to know that Louie is a real fixer. If in doubt give it a whack. Mal is proud of him. LOL

    Love and hugs Gina xxx


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