Monday, August 17, 2009

Treasures and Cicada Wasps

Saturday, Louie and I, and my brother went junkin. I found this cute sewing machine drawer with the florals already in it.  $2.38                     007



I found a cute little Black and Decker ‘Gizmo’ travel iron. Perfect for pressing quilt blocks!003

I also found this RETIRED Isabel Bloom figurine. I bet if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t have known that she has a stubbed toe. I put some whiteout on her ‘boo boo’ after I took this picture, and you can barely notice it at all. $3.38. I don’t know her official name. What I found on the internet was ‘Girl with Book’.                                    010

A few weeks ago, I found this Isabel Bloom ‘Angel with Teddy Bear’ figurine, She too, is retired, I believe, and has a couple boo boos.  She has a ‘clipped’ wing,  and her teddy bear lost part of it’s foot…..                                013

…but can you tell when she is standing next to the flowers?  $3.38.  I love this little engraved sign too.  My friend Renea gave it to me last year for my birthday.                          014

I found a purpose for my swan planter I showed you a week or so ago. It is a good place to put my cell phone.                      001

Last week while Louie and I were junkin, I BARELY noticed this metal decorative ‘thing’, because it was WHITE, and hanging against a white wall. I got it for $5, and Louie spray painted it black for me. I think it is going to be screwed to the siding on my front porch, but I haven’t put it up yet. I REALLY like it with the black paint. 002

To get it out of the way until I get it hung, I put it up against my fireplace behind my ‘fake’ plant.                                               019

I kind of like it there!020

Sunday morning, I cleaned out a cupboard in my laundry room to make space for all the CD’s I had on my two shelving units. One unit held two shelves of CD’s and the other unit held three shelves. It was good to finally get them off my quilting shelves and out of view, but they sure took up a lot of space. I removed one shelf from each unit, and spaced the shelves exactly the same on both units, and I put my ‘new’ black Singer 301 (that we have done nothing with to fix the paint) on one unit…..028

and (click) FRECKLES on the other unit. It felt good to get things more organized again, and I am happy that I got both of my 301’s displayed. 027

DID YOU KNOW??????021

…If you pick all the stitches out of a $1.38 (Goodwill bargain)Tommy Hilfiger valance, that you get 2 1/2 yards of 44” fabric? Woo hoo!!! It was worth the ‘pickin’!  Now who DOESN’T want to save money on fabric?                   024

The Eastern Cicada Killer wasps are back and have made four holes in the yard. I hope they go away soon!





Thank  you for stopping by. Do come back soon. Leave a comment and say hello if you’d like.  I’d love to hear from you!


Add Michelle Motorcycle Bear[2]


  1. You always find so many good things. Our Goodwill's don't have much now a days. I guess it is the economy.

  2. What a great haul. I love the metal piece.
    the sewing machines look great in the cabinets. A perfect way of showing them off.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. You did find some treasures in your adventures...I love the black metal snowflake piece the best. It will look fantastic on the porch. At a sale I went to on Friday the lady said she would have fabric for 50 cents a yard the next on Sat back I went. Yes, I got lots of fabric..58 yards of it...did I need it, no. Did I want it, yes...

    Take care...hugs from Oklahoma.


  4. You are an excellent treasure hunter. Great pieces. We had a wasp nest in our shed and my grandson got stung. DH sprayed them, so I hope they are gone for good.

  5. Michelle you always find the neatest things! Maybe I would too if I would just go. :) I still want a sewing machine cover so I need to look for a quilted sham like yours. blessings, marlene


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