Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sunday Sunshine

Sunday was a beautiful day, and it was just too nice to stay home. The sky was blue and beautiful, and my sweetie had plans of his own, so I decided to take a drive and go junkin’ myself. I was more interested in being out in the sunshine, but I did have a good time junkin’ too. I took my Ipod with me, and started listening to ‘Foul Play’ by Janet Evonovich. She is such a good author. I totally enjoyed traveling and listening. It made the time go very fast.   

Would you like to ride along with me as we go to Cedar Rapids?                     001 002 003                             Here’s my second stop. I didn’t get a photo of the first Goodwill. I wasn’t thinking.                    004 005 006                                Here’s the last one I went to.                            008 007                                       I ran out of places to shop, and I knew Louie was home by the time I ran out of Goodwills, so I headed for home.                                009 010    011                             Oops! The Wapsi is out of the banks in Massillon, and in the park!                 012013014  015  016 017                                 Isn’t that blue sky just beautiful?                    018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025                                      What a wonderful day God made for me.

I did find some goodies. I found a Jacket, a couple doilies, a sleep machine (noise) just like the one Louie uses, so he will have a spare for his suitcase when he travels to pool tournaments, and won’t have to unplug his and take it with him. I found another portable radio to take to work when I need it, but not really much else….at least that I can remember!

My sewing related goodie, I found at the very last Goodwill I shopped. It was this dirty old toy sewing machine. It is styled after the Singer 500, and 503, or the ‘Rocketeer’. The Rocketeer came out in the late 50’s or early 60’s, so just think, it is almost 50 years old! It is just a toddler toy. It doesn’t really sew.  The hand wheel turns around, and the pretend needle, is just a piece of metal that goes up and down, but only about 1/4 of an inch. I”m sure that was so no little fingers could get caught under it. EEEEyuck this thing was FILTHY… 026                                ….but it cleaned up really nice. Amazing what a little soap and water will do.  When you find something dirty like this, can you see the possibilities? I know people who can NOT. What a shame, for them, but lucky for Me!  It was missing four screws from the bottom. Those screws were to hold it together, so I put in four new ones. Good as new!                              027 028                               It found a home next to my other toy sewing machine. That one really works. It sews a chainstitch.                           031                              Thanks for riding along with me on Sunday. I enjoyed your company!

Add_Bear_Essentials_Loving_Care_thumb                              Be blessed,



  1. What beautiful scenery, I often go out on my own ,your right it give us time to reflect and thank god for things we seem to forget in our every day prayers .

  2. I loved the photos

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  3. What a perfectly wonderful day Michelle - and a great find in the toy sewing machine. blessings, marlene

  4. Looks like it was a beautiful day for finding some nice things. have a great wknd,Amy

  5. Loved the Iowa trip, it reminded me of my mother. She thought Iowa was the best place on earth.

  6. That is a beautiful ride. I love pictures of the sky. Nice toy machine. You can find some of the neatest things.


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