Monday, July 5, 2010


Again….we are 5 years behind in what’s new on the big screen, but we really enjoyed this movie too. Yep, another Goodwill purchase.

Proof (click for movie trailer)


Be blessed and have a great week.




  1. I don't remember that one... I may have to check the library!

  2. I remember when this was being advertised on tv. The trailer does look good though. I also am so behind on movies. :)

  3. i read the article about the tragic
    parade in iowa. did you know
    any of those people who were
    injured? how awful.

    people forget what tremendously
    powerful creatures horse are. i
    grew up around them, and never
    outgrew my respect of their strength.

    thanks for sharing about the movie,
    as i never have heard of it.


  4. I don't watch too many movies either. I want to. I guess I just have enough drama in my life. Love ya! Hope all is well.


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