Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Full Moon

nov full moon 

It’s been quite a week already, full of all kinds of emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, certainty, uncertainty, feeling loved, feeling unloved, appreciated, not appreciated, taken for granted, LOVED.

It can only be the FULL MOON!

 Be blessed,




  1. I love this song. Am I weird???? Sorry to hear you are having a bad week. Today was odd for me. Not sure why. Maybe it was "A bad moon on the rise"

  2. i love full moons. so many wonderful
    things can happen under them.

  3. Hang in there, friend. I'm thinking of you and praying that whatever has happened this week to cause this roller coaster of emotions won't distress you anymore.

  4. sorry it has been a tough week for you; I know emergency rooms gear up for all sorts of things when it is a full moon; not sure what causes it either....but I have to say the moom was just gorgeous over these few days; so bright!

    hoping the weekend will be a good one for you!


  5. Well you've run the gamet of emotions---praying that the rest of the week will be more spectacular than anything else!!!

    Love you! (See, its starting all ready!)

  6. Sorry to hear you have had a hard week. I do like this song. My day was a little odd. I wonder if it was because of "A bad moon arising"

  7. I hope things are better for you ,keep your chin up ,prayers are coming your way .

  8. It really is true! My husband says they run more calls during a full moon! Have a great week!

  9. Every morning this week as I walked at the awful hour of 5:30 I've looked at that full moon - wishing I didn't have to get up so early to see it but thanking God for it! :) blessings, marlene

  10. Michelle,

    Praying for you! Just know that you are LOVED!! :) Sending you a big hug.

    A new day with a new perspective can make a world of difference! :)

  11. Hang on in there sweetie. As the Moon starts to wane then this is the time to put things behind us. It's the time to finish things ready for the New Moon in a week or two when we can all start afresh.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

    Ps will email soon, but remind me never to be eating breakfast and reading an email from you at the same time. Not good for the digestion. LOL

  12. I guess it's all of these things combined that make life what it is, huh! Not always easy but someway or another always worth it!

    I love the image of the moon, did you take that photo?


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