Tuesday, August 3, 2010

My Friend Pattykins

Last week, my friend Patty got a new quilting frame (Hinterberg), machine (Juki TL-98Q) and Quilter’s Cruise Control. We assembled the frame on Sunday, (Oh, and I better tell you that I HAMMERED a few of her fingers, because if I don’t, SHE WILL!), taped the leaders to the rollers, and set all the electrical stuff up. The only thing we didn’t have was her machine. The machine came today, so this evening after supper, I went down and we finished the setup, loaded a quilt, and Patty took off quilting.

Patty 001 Patty 002 

She had such a good time, and I enjoyed watching her. It wasn’t long, and she was cutting the quilt off the frame.

Patty 009 Patty 011 Patty 010

It turned out beautiful. (Click on photos to enlarge)

Good job, Pattykins! I love ya! (Sorry about the hammer and your black fingernail….now I don’t want to hear any more about it….OK?) =-)

Patty 012

Be blessed,


true friend


  1. Wow--thats some serious hardware!

  2. Lucky girl! And lucky to have a friend help with the set-up too, even if you do seem to be a bit dangerous with a hammer!

  3. I am so thrilled for Patty. She really went to town on getting that first quilt done. Love the quilt. She is going to love having her own frame at her house. I know I do. You are such a wonderful friend to all of us. Always there to help us.

  4. What a good person you are to help your friend ,looks like a great set up .And the finger ,shame on you LOL not to worry accidents happen .

  5. What a great friend you are and I'm sure you'll be forgiven for the few hammer accidents.

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  6. Oh one day I want one of these and I want you to personally come over and help me. Ya think?


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