Friday, October 8, 2010

Buttons, Best Brother, & An Award

I had to do it. I know many of you told me not to, but I had to. (You could have read all my lovely comments, had I not deleted them by accident! Grrrr..) I had to sew buttons in the centers of my pinwheels. I chose white translucent buttons, and although they are not that easy to see, they have just a little shine, give the pinwheel a ‘finished’ look to me, and they make me happy.

water softener and buttons 002

Best brother: Last week I emailed my sweet brother and asked for some advice on my old water softener. I didn’t think it was working anymore. He said he would come look at it. The next thing I knew, he was installing a reconditioned water softener in the old one’s place.

ws and buttons 001

Within an hour, the old one was outside the back door, and the ‘new to me’ one was in it’s place and already working. The bill came to: NO CHARGE.  Thank you, Jack! You are a blessing to me, and I love you very much!

 ws and buttons 005

About a week ago, Tamera, over at Tamera Quilts  awarded me with a Sunshine award. I am ashamed to say it took me this long to pass it on, and to say Thank you, Tamera, for such a wonderful award.

sunshine award

The Sunshine Award is to let others know that you read their blog and find it inspirational and informative.  Here are the guidelines for those nominated.

  1. Save the image above and post it on your own blog.
  2. Pass the award to 12 fellow bloggers.
  3. Link to the nominees.
  4. Let the nominees know they have won this award by commenting on their blog.
  5. Share the love and link to the person from whom you received the award.

And now, here are my nominees... they are very special to me, but I have been doubly blessed to have met in person, Shelly, Joyce, Lori, and Amy.  They all inspire me, and most of them put me to shame with the energy they have.

1. Shelly @ Surviving Munchkin Land

2. Marlene @ StitchinByTheLake

3. Joyce @ And Sew On

4. Valerie @ Life’s Little Garden

5. Lori @ Mountain Woman At Heart

6. Janet @ On The Road With Janet

7. Pokey @ Pokeydot Quilting

8. Amy @ A Quilting Sheep

9. Hazel @ Sew Crazy

10. Karly @ Heart & Soul

11. Amelia @ Amelia’s Musings

12. Jill @ Ramblings of a Fabric and Yarn Obsessor

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Me and the quilting girls are going on a road trip tomorrow shop hopping!

Be blessed!



  1. congrats on the award! can't see the buttons really clearly on the quilt, but I'm thinking if you were happy to add them for that finishing touch that it must look awesome in person! enjoy your time together with your friends tomorrow!


  2. You know what, if buttons make it for you, that's all that matters! I think its adorable :) Yippey for the new to you water softner---love it when things actually work out!

    Thank You for the sunshine award! You're such a sweetheart!

  3. How wonderful to have family that helps out!

  4. Michelle thank you so much for giving me the award. I can totally see why she gave it to you. :) And I love the buttons! blessings, marlene

  5. You are a blessing and in return you receive blessings.

    Thanks for the award...I am so glad our paths have crossed in this big world of cyber space,

  6. Your quilt looks very pretty!

  7. I love the buttons on the quilt , it turned out great .
    Thanks for the sunshine award ,your one of the sweetest bloggers I know .What would we do with out you ?
    Sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree ,your brother is just as sweet .

  8. Love how the quilt turned out! It is beautiful!

  9. You are a spot of sunshine on my computer, Thank you for shining on me!
    Your buttons, well that makes your quilt yours! It is a sweet finish, you will enjoy it a lot because you did what you felt the design needed, and it's beautiful!

  10. hi michelle!

    congratulations on your sunshine award.
    you certainly deserve it.

    i love the little white buttons in the center
    of your pinwheels. they add that special

    have a lovely weekend,

  11. Oh thank you so much for this sweet award. Thank you for thinking of me. And congratulations on your sunshine award. You do deserve it. I love the quilt and the buttons are extra special.

  12. I like the addition of the buttons. You made a good choice with the size and color as they complement the quilt design but don't scream. "Look at us, we're buttons!". Rather, they're just a touch of whimsy that's charming.

  13. I just had to come and say another HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

  14. I like the look of the buttons on the quilt.
    Well done brother on helping out with the water softener. there are times when I could do with a brother like that

    Love and hugs Gina xxx

  15. oh love the pinwheel quilt. I can't wait to get the red fabric and finish mine.

  16. The pinwheel quilt turned out really beautiful. I love that you put buttons in the centers. It adds a fun 3-dimensional quality. And thank goodness for wonderful brothers.
    April @


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