Saturday, November 27, 2010


I finished both of the Quilts For Kids quilts today that Nancy and I made Thanksgiving day.

QFK 021

(Borders are different on both quilts, otherwise, they are pretty much the same.)

QFK 015

QFK 017

I watched The Lake House while I was sewing on the binding and washing the quilts. I watched The Lake House TWICE! The first time, I kept turning it up, and I had to watch what I was doing while sewing down the binding, so when it was over, I started it over again, and watched it again. I got to watch the last half the second time without the sewing going on. I think Louie needs to see this movie. I know he will love it. I DID! (Another Goodwill movie). Again, I am about 4-5 years behind the movie release date, but that’s ok. I’m sure I enjoyed it as much today, as I would have 4 years ago.


One more finished quilt was delivered to me today, so now I have in my possession, seven quilts. Renea has two or three she is bringing over in the morning, and there are two still out there. I’m going to mail what we have on Monday so these quilts can be distributed, since they are all pretty much Christmas themed. What a nice stack of soft, comfy quilts!

QFK 024

Hope your day was happy and you stayed warm!

Be blessed!




  1. You are doing a wonderful caring thing in completing these quilts for the kids...knowing you there is love sewn in every stitch!

  2. Quilts for Kids is a great program. =)

    I watched two 70's movies on Hulu yesterday. Other Side of the Mountain and Other Side of the Mountain part 2. Love those movies!!

  3. Great job their going to be very happy to receive them and some child is going to be so thrilled .Your a sweet heart for doing this .
    The movie I seen but have forgotten it ,I just got out all my Christmas movies today ,they should keep me busy till Christmas day .

  4. That slide show is so touching. I admire you so much for doing this. This would be my hearts desire to do something like this. You are really something. You will be blessed.

  5. I'm glad you got 2 more quilts done!

    I LOVE Lake House! I've watched it several times and some w/ Miss K since it is in the city. I don't love many movies but that is one I would rattle off if anyone asks. :)

  6. lots of hard work and love into those quilts! I know the recipients will enjoy them!! good for you all for your dedication to this project!


  7. What a great thing your group is doing. I'm sure many children will blessed to wrap up in such wonderful comfort.

  8. Ya'll are doing a wonderful thing! Those quilts look so sweet and comfy!
    I love Sandra Bullock movies!

  9. hi michelle!

    your quilts are beautiful, and the movie
    looks wonderful. we were on the same
    page with our posts. :)

    i can't wait to watch "the lake house."

    merry Christmas,

  10. I can't remember if I saw Lake House or not - my junk shops never seem to have movies or maybe I just get there too late! I've got a longing for Christmas quilts this year for some reason and am working on two - and bought a kit for another one Saturday! blessings, marlene

  11. Great looking quilts and for such a good cause. I watched the video and plan to do some when I get caught up. I asked my daughter if she'd like to do one too and she said maybe. That would be enjoyable.


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