Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I’m Still Here!


I thought I would pop in and say that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I have been working, and it seems I am always tired, so when I’m not working or sleeping, I have been rearranging things a little bit, and de-cluttering. I am not finished yet, but I’m making headway.

Last Saturday, two very sweet friends—Lori and Joyce were on a mission and came through town, so I got to have lunch with them! I’m so happy they thought to ask me to join them for a little visit! Sorry, I didn’t get any pictures. It had been several months since I had seen them, and it was such a joy.                  


Do you ever wonder why people who make clipart of sewing machines sometimes put the seamstress on the wrong side of the sewing machine? I’m not sure I will ever figure that one out.

Add Duh

I haven’t even been sewing. Where do the hours in the day go? I have several projects to finish, and several projects I would like to start, but I haven’t found the time, or energy to do either one. Sometimes I think I need a sewing partner to get me going, and keep me motivated. (sigh!)


Louie and I have been enjoying fall this year. It seems like the leaves actually stayed on the trees longer than usual. It’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in a few weeks, and Christmas is less than 6 weeks away. Where did this year go?

Ok, so I’m rambling. I just wanted to say that I am still here. I am reading your blogs and enjoying them all. Hang in there. Someday, maybe I’ll post something interesting. Until then, take care, and may God Bless!

Red roseMichelle


Ps…I didn’t win the Bliss giveaway over at Little Bluebell, so I think I’ll just go pout for awhile now. Crying face


  1. When I first saw your title in my reader, I instantly thought of Horton Hears a Who---We're Here, We're Here, We're Here! (Corey loves hoseyheasey who...but unfortunately, he doesn't say it as cutely any more!)

  2. It is good to hear from you! Everyone needs a break sometimes! We will be here for you when you get back!

  3. I was beginning to wonder about you ,good to hear you are just taking a break .Most of our colored leaves are gone ,the threat of snow seems to be getting closer Yuck time for me to go into hibernation .

  4. Good to hear what all is going on in your life...the older we get the slower we seem to be.

    The weekend is close - enjoy it!

  5. I didn't win the Bliss giveaway and Yes, I am pouting. See you in another week for our Loose Tension sewing group.

  6. I know this year has flown by! De-cluttering is always a good thing! good for you for doing it bits by bits!


  7. I was beginning to get a little worried. I have times like that too where I'm busy and tired and really just sort of blank. I think I might be entering one of those times! Mainly I just want to be in the sewing room and have everyone leave me alone! I looked at my calendar and with the exception of two small things my next week is free and I'm so thrilled by that. I need it and it sounds like you did too. blessings, marlene

  8. Ack! You aren't to be hiding the same time I am! ;)

    Lunch on Saturday with you was fantastic! I'll get pictures up soon.

    How do you like my new log-in? :)

  9. Decluttering. A never-ending battle. Of course, it would help here if I would stay out of estate sales and the thrift stores!! *grin* But that won't happen any time soon.

  10. I hadn't wondered about the sewing machine clipart question before, but now I do, lol.


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