Sunday, January 23, 2011

Soul Retreat

Yesterday Louie and I went junkin’, then we stopped, and I bought a Nook from Barnes and Noble. Why, you ask? You don’t read! Well, I used to….until I discovered that I had internet access at work…then my life became obsessed with blogs and Facebook.

Lately, I have felt like my life has been on an emotional roller coaster, and it hasn’t been fun. I guess I’m just not into social networking and all the mind games (mostly done by me TO me) that go with it. How can  you tell what the mood and tone is from someone when the communication is only written words (and from people you have never met)? Sometimes, it’s hard. I admit, my personality isn’t meant for those kind of interactions, especially when I’m not sure how the written word is meant (without tone or facial expressions). Sometimes, though, people are just not nice, and don’t care what they say, or how they say it. Sometimes, ok, all the time, it felt like a popularity contest to me.

I decided that I needed to spend less time seeing what everyone was doing every minute of the day, and trying to analyze what someone meant, or may not have meant, kind or unkind and just remove myself from the social network. Who was I trying to kid? I don’t do well in personal (person to person) social networking. It’s not them, it’s ME. How did I think I could do it online? Why does it matter if I ‘fit in’ or not? (But it does…again, my personality type)…and before FB, did we check in with our friends every 10 minutes to see what they were doing or what they were saying?

After much thought, I decided that my personality just was not cut out for social networking. I will dearly miss a few people on FB, but those people can email me, and I can email them. I really need to get back to my ‘life’ and not spend every free minute on the computer. (And sadly, I am also neglecting MORE important things in my life, like God, my husband, and what is best for ME).

I decided I needed to get back to a SIMPLER, less stressful life. A friend at work asked me why I didn’t read anymore. I guess I was caught up in the electronic world…the internet. Now, I have a phone, which tells me when I get an email. My phone gives me text messages, and if I want to wait forever, can even access the internet. I love reading blogs, but I can check them once or twice (ok, maybe 3 times) a day, and not ten. I needed to get back to a calmer, more relaxed life. I thought I would give reading a shot again, so last week, I downloaded a free book from Barnes and Noble and downloaded Nook for Pc on my little netbook. I started reading it last week, and really enjoyed it, so I decided to buy myself a nook. ( I really just need more QUIET time, where my mind is not analyzing).



Last night, and today, I read the last half of Daughter of Joy. (FREE ebook!)

(If you want to read it, just download Nook for Pc onto your computer (or Nook for Mac if you have a Mac), register with B&N and read for free. They have lot of other free books too.)


Today, I read all of Woman of Grace. (Next in the series of four.   $5.59) Click the blue links of the titles to see what they are about.


What else did I do today? Well, I managed to take a break and wash, dry and fold a load of laundry, and vacuum the house. Not much else though, and IT FELT GOOD! (What was Louie doing? Oh, he had his own agenda. I didn’t neglect him).


Be blessed and have a great week!




  1. Good for you. I am trying to leave the computer alone also and have been off of facebook for a few weeks now and am so much happier without it. I looked at Brittanie's Nook last night. Not sure if I am sold on it yet. I love my library and the books that I can borrow. So happy for you to take time for yourself.

  2. Your blog looks so pretty!!

    I have Facebook, but rarely go there. The few people I want to know what is going on, I have their updates sent to my phone via SMS.

    I've read a book or two not that long ago, on my iPod via the Kindle app. I have other books on it, but I am waiting for an iPad, so I can read them more easily.

    If you like audio books, Christian Audio has a free audio book to download every month. I like listening to them when I sew.

    I'm looking foreword to warmer weather. How about you??

  3. You made the leap I have been considering. I know I have been spending more time than I should at the computer.

    As you can tell my blogs have become less frequent - I scan facebook - comment some.

    May God be you in what ever road you choose.

    Love from me here in Oklahoma.


  4. So much precious time can be spent mindlessly clicking away on the computer. I should know!

    However, I will say that if I hadn't discovered certain blogs, then I wouldn't have met you. You are one of the few people whom I consider a friend though we've never met in person and for that I feel blessed.


  5. I had no idea you could get Nook for PC. I think I might try it. I've been looking at Kindle's but not sure about reading a book off the screen so that would be a great way to try it out. Thanks for the tip. Miss you on Facebook but completely understand and have thought about doing away with it myself.

  6. Hey, Michelle! I do not have FB, nor can I understand what is so great about it...unless it is the curiousity about others. I totally understand your feelings about neglecting other things while staying on the computer so much. I guess that is why I have not even been blogging as much as I used to, altho I do enjoy that, and reading other people's blogs. I have learned so much from others about sewing, including you! So there is much good there. But that is my best joy of it all, hearing what others are doing, and sometimes learning to do my things better, also. I feel I have many great new friends in the blogging world, and sometimes I feel I neglect them by not being on as much, but also, there is life that grabs me and keeps me so busy!
    Thank you for your blog, and I hope you will keep it up, as you always have something of interest to me.
    My sewing machine I got from you is running well, thanks so much!

  7. It is so easy to get caught up with everyone else. I totally agree that we all are on here way too much. I try to limit myself to morning (30 min.) and night time( unlimited) and I am gonna try to go without internet when we go out of town. I totally understand what you are saying.

  8. I understand but we do miss you ,you've been a true friend even though we have never met .I've learned so much from you .For myself I love the computer and enjoy reading everyones blog ,of course I don't work so I have the time to do so .I hope you'll keep up your blog a lot of people really enjoy spending time with you .

  9. I too completely understand your decisions. But I know that with out this virtual world, I would not have "met" so many nice people. I've got an ipad and have been trying to read more. I might have to check out those books you mentioned.

  10. I got off Facebook too Michelle. It was just too much for me - too invasive and I even had someone stalking me! I might get back on eventually but if I do it will be for family only. I have a Kindle but downloaded the Nook on my PC after reading your post and have already downloaded 2 or 3 books. I couldn't find a place on their website for free books - have you found it? Amazon has one for the Kindle. blessings, marlene

  11. The computer is good and bad. I spend way too much time on it, but also learn a lot, too. I admire your resolution and your reasons. I got a kindle a few months back and have enjoyed it although I haven't read as much as I like due to physical reasons. I think you will love your Nook.


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