Monday, November 14, 2011

No Work~PJ Day!

My job is closed today. My bosses and co-workers went on a field trip to the FABTECH Expo in Chicago at McCormick Place . I opted to not go. My Friday, which is usually my day off, or the day I work overtime, will be spent at work, working a full ten hour day. Sad smile Yuck!

SEW….I’m having a PJ DAY!!! I’m ironing strip sets that will be cut into four 4.5” squares, then sewn back together to make a block. Here is one block to show you what it will look like.

strips 003

Here are my first 20 or so strip sets ironed. I have 96 strip sets, so I’ll be busy all day. Obviously, this will be a scrappy quilt, so all of the blocks will be different.

strips 004

strips 005

strips 006

strips 007

strips 008

While I am ironing, I am watching HGTV. The time is FLYING! (Now why doesn’t the time fly at work?)

strips 009

Nope, no pictures of me in my PJ’s. All you get to see is where I’m working. Guess I better get back to work. Those strips won’t iron themselves! At least it’s a ‘sit down’ job!

strips 010


All 95 strip sets are ironed, and with the one complete block, I will have a total of 96 blocks. That job took well over 5 hours. Can you believe it?

strips2 003

The next step is cutting each strip set into four 4.5” squares, then sewing the four squares into one block. That’s not going to happen today though. I’m pooped!


Hoping your day is wonderful!




  1. All is well here. I hope you plan to post a picture of that quilt when you finish it. You have a lovely work space! Have a great day in your PJs :D

  2. You got a lot done! I love it when I have a big block of time I can spend in my sewing room. Ahhh. Somehow when I'm "working" at quilting, it doesn't feel like "working"!

  3. Even though you have to work on Friday it's wonderful to have the day off today! blessings, marlene

  4. Hope you enjoyed your PJ day ,nothing like PJs ,sewing and I hope you had some chocolate just to make it a perfect day .

  5. You did get a lot of work done today! I bet it was nice to be able to have this day to do it! I know you'll have to work Friday, but good you took today off to "chill" so to speak!


  6. Wow, you got alot done! Happy you could enjoy your day.

  7. What a wonderful way to spend a day off work. Even if it is ironing,it is the "fun" kind. Can't wait to see more finished blocks. (How *do* you sit and iron? I can't ever seem to manage it. lol)

  8. That's a lot of strip sets! Sounds like the perfect day!
    I laughed when I clicked the link for FABTECH thinking it was fabric....not once thought about fabrication. :) Silly me!

  9. Nice work space and what a lot of work you finished.... I have been to McCormick Place. You made a good choice.....



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