Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Good Day!

Yesterday was a good day. It started out with the quilting girls coming over to spend the day. We LAUGHED and LAUGHED till our faces hurt. There is usually so much going on, I’m not sure I catch it all, but the friendship is there and we all love each other. Not sure how much quilting or sewing actually goes on, but lots of talking and laughing does!

I helped a couple girls with their sergers….Yes, me, who was SCARED. To. Death. of her own. That felt really good.

After the girls helped me clean up the basement, we all went our separate ways. Louie and I went to the QC’s junkin. I found a few goodies!

A canvas 4 drawer storage container…..

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A Royal Royalite 64 portable typewriter in vinyl case. $6.38. The ribbon is even fairly new and usable.

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A Smith Corona Citation Electronic 100 Electric typewriter with Daisy Wheel and Correctible ribbon cartridge for typing letters or cards, etc. It works, but the typists is a little out of practice. The feel of the keys and pressure you need to exert is quite different from the computer keyboard. Less than $8.38.

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The size difference is amazing.

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I THOUGHT I was buying an Orville Redenbacher Stirring Popper. The box was taped shut and I did not remove the tape.

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Silly me! See what I got? A book about babies….don’t need that! A basket, dolphins, a wax snowman candle. a ceramic (horse?), a hanging wire basket with jar inside, a heart shaped wire basket, a tupperware bowl, a Logitech usb wireless transmitter, and last, but certainly not least…a yoga dvd from McDonalds in the Spanish language. Nope. Not anything here I need! LOL! So funny…it’s all going back for donation. Louie calls it my Salvation Army grab bag purchase. From now one, I’m ripping off the tape!

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I DID score on a couple of items though! This BRAND NEW Canon copier toner cartridge is in the sealed bag, and it fits my copier. These things are VERY EXPENSIVE new. The box was open, and I DID look inside, because had the bag been opened, I would have left it there. It could have been an empty someone just wanted to dispose of.

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I debated picking up this piece of fabric. I like purple and lavender, and the price was good (for me, the tightwad). I brought it home, and measured it using my ‘finger to nose method’. There is roughly 7 yards of this. I thought it was probably 60” wide, but I have not actually measured it. From some of the listings I have read, it might be 52” wide.

I googled the printing on the selvage.  Marimekko OYJ SUOMI- Finland 1960/2000 Maija JA Kristina Isola TULIPUNAINEN.

Now you google it and see what you come up with. The fabric was designed in 1960, and reprinted in 2000. The designer is Kristina Isola from Finland. The name of the fabric is TULIPUNAINEN.  This fabric in other colors have sold on eBay for quite a bit of money. Also on Etsy. I just might have Louie list it on eBay.

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I’m making no promises today. The sun is shining. The air is calm and I’m not inside a closed up shop working. I feel a couple of indoor flea markets coming on!

Have a great week!

Be blessed,



  1. What a fun day Michelle. I've learned a lesson from you today - always open the box. :) blessings, marlene

  2. So typewriters now? You are funny!!

    Whoa - how yucky about the popcorn box!! After I groaned, I giggled on that one. How ridiculous!!

    The fabric is beautiful. Is it woven to make the design? I hope you get a great ebay bid. :)

  3. I did the same thing before Christmas it was suppose to be a box of nice glasses I asked the manager about them he said the box was inspected there won't be any problem ,When I got home it was a box of books ,he was so embarrassed when I phoned him it was 24 dollars for six glasses when I took them back he gave me 40 dollars in a store credit .

  4. Oh Michelle! That is so funny about the popcorn box! Too bad it wasn't some amazing, wonderful, expensive surprise! Maybe next time!!

  5. You really did good! The grab bag is hilarious!!! Sounds like something I would do! So what I want to know is...what do you do with all? You have got some great collections.


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