Monday, February 6, 2012

Kenmore Sewing Machine Manufacturing Database

I’m writing this post, so I can pin it on Pinterest and put it in my sewing machine file. If you click the photo, it will give you a pdf file which you can save that will give you information on Kenmore sewing machines. It gives you model number and year it was made.  For those of us who love vintage machines, this is a nice piece of information to have.

kenmore 50 009[3]

Be blessed!



  1. What a great idea Michelle - can you do that for Singer machines too? :) blessings, marlene

  2. Would be a good chart if it show all vintage kenmore machine mine is not on there kenmore 52 actual model 158.523 is missing from the chart

  3. Yes mine is a model 52 but it is NOT on the chart. So what year is it the chart only goes to 158.502 NOT 158.523 AND MODEL 52 IS NOT ON THERE AT ALL ANY HELP I WOULD LOVE I REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE YEAR


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