Friday, June 14, 2013

New Home 571

I’m having my own Sewing Machine Project repair day at home today. This New Home 571 sewing machine came home with us after the last Sewing Machine Project Volunteer Day.

new home 005

A lady sitting next to me, and working on this machine, noticed that the bobbin cover plate could not be put back on the machine, because one of the screws was missing in the plate, and the bracket was twisting around on the back. Although the screw was a phillips, and not a straight headed screw, I found one here to use. (See, it DOES pay to save parts once in awhile!)



She also thought there was a problem with the thread guide and tension bracket for winding bobbins, as she was not being successful in winding a bobbin. I looked at it, and thought something was missing. I planned on finding a replacement for that as well, but it ended up being ok. It just needed some adjustment on the tension. It wound a bobbin very well!


The needle was in backwards, and the tensions needed adjusting (as you can see), but I got the stitches looking a bit better, and tested the stretch stitch function (where you see the darker zigzag and darker straight stitches.


I performed my normal inspection and oiling of moving parts, and gave it a sponge bath. It earned it’s Sewing Machine Project sticker, and now it is ready to go back to Madison.

new home 003

It even came with a manual, and I am going to scan it to pdf before I let it go, just in case I need one for another machine later. Smile

new home 007


  1. This is a really cute sewing machine. Love the colors. You are "The Sewing Machine Whisperer.!

  2. Aw that's the make and model I remember my Mam sewing on when I was a boy. It was probably new in the mid 1970s. She sewed knit, cotton and velvet dresses for my Gran and Sister and acres of curtains on that machine. Lovely to see another one again.


  3. I am looking for the instruction manual for this model. I resurrected it from my MIL garage in pretty good condition. Can you send me the file you scanned? I want to make sure I am using correctly. Love your site!

  4. Love the site! Found this model in my MIL garage in good condition but no instruction mannual, can I view the pdf you scanned?


  5. I'm sorry Elizabeth, but you are a no-reply blogger. Unless you make your email address available, I cannot contact you. Please google how to not be a no-reply blogger and send me your email address.

  6. Can I get a copy of your pdf manual for this machine?

  7. can I get a pdf copy of your manual for this machine?

  8. I just received this machine as is from a friend. I have no instruction manual - of I watch a bunch of you Tube videos do you think an average Joe person like myself would be able to bring it back to life? It works but needs an oil, as well as the needle clamp and screw (the only missing parts that I can tell.

    Any idea where I can purchase parts like that for this machine??/

  9. K Woolrich, please send me your email address and I will do what I can to help you. (

  10. just acquired the exact machine from goodwill for $6.99 what an awesome deal.the bobbin case that came with it doesn't allow the top thread to pick-up bobbin thread, by any chance would you know where I could be able to get one,Thanks,

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Amy, you are a no-reply blogger. I can't help you without an email address.

    1. Hi, I thought I fixed it opps... my email is

  13. Hi, I recently purchased this sewing machine at a thrift store and was wondering if you still had a copy if the manual that you could share with me. I believe I finally fixed my no replay problem :)

  14. I have this exact model and am looking for a replacement motor for it. Can you help with a suggestion? Can't seem to find a repair shop that can help.

    roasted ott

  15. Since the machine attaches to a bracket, and the bracket the machine, any sewing machine motor should work. Check ebay for motors.

  16. Hello Michelle,

    I wonder if you can help me. A friend just gave me this exact sewing machine -(New Home model 571) I have no idea if it works or how it works. I just wanted to learn with my young daughter. I read that you have a manual...which I cannot find anywhere. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to send me a copy. I'm not sure what the protocol is. I hope I'm not being too bold in my asking. But as the Lord says, "Ask and you shall receive." :) Anyway, I did try looking for your contact button so that I can send you my e-mail address, but I couldn't find it. I would prefer that you didn't make this comment live, but use it as an email to you as I will forward my email address: Again, please excuse my boldness is asking. Blessings to you and yours. T.M. Gaouette

  17. I just bought this model at a thrift store for $18.00. It didn't come with the manual, so I was wondering if you could send me a copy of it. I would be willing to pay a little to get it, if necessary. Thanks!

  18. I just bought this model at a thrift store for $18.00. It didn't come with the manual, so I was wondering if you could send me a copy of it. I would be willing to pay a little to get it, if necessary. Thanks!

  19. I can probably help you Nicki, but I have to have your email address. Email me at

  20. I can't belive it. I was searching the net looking for a manual for a sewing machine that I inherited from my grandmother (who was a quilter). And I found your blog. I would love to have an electronic copy of the New Home 571 as I want to keep this machine to use with my sewing. Would you be willing to share one more? I would be happy to pay you. Also thanks for the facebook address.

  21. I need to know the size belt to get for the White 571. I was going to get a lug belt with notches as someone told me the stretch belts are bad for the motors. I can't find the size anywhere .

  22. I have that very model and would really like a copy of the owners manual. I will happily pay you a fair price for one please.


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