Sunday, August 25, 2013

Lingerie Chest & Janome L-344 Limited Edition

Ever since I found my first lingerie chest to put in my quilting room for storage, I have wanted another one. I had this narrow space right inside the door, and I thought that would work just perfectly. Today we went junkin’, and I went specifically looking for something that would fit into that space. I have been looking on Craigslist, and I have found a few, but by the time we make contact with the seller, it is gone.

We hit all the Goodwill stores on both the Iowa and Illinois side of the river in the Quad Cities, and we even hit West Kimberly Mall (an antique and consignment mall) in Davenport, with no luck. On the Illinois side of the river, we also went to Country Fair Mall in Coal Valley. We started on the total opposite side of the building, thinking that if we found one, it would be on that side. We went down each aisle and looked in each booth, and when we were nearing the very last aisle, I said, ’Well, I guess we aren’t going to….Oh look! It’s exactly what I was looking for!’ A lady near us said, ‘And at a very good price!’


There is a huge machine shed, which is ‘Country Fair Mall’, and there are also two antique stores on the same property. We asked if we could put a hold tag on the lingerie chest while we walked through the other two buildings to see if there was something we would like better. There wasn’t, so we came back and bought it.


It’s just perfect, and not too wide front to back. Now I just have to fill it, and that will be NO problem at all… Winking smile….but not today.


I also found a Janome L-344 Limited Edition PINK sewing machine for $6.38. It did not have a power cord/foot control unit with it. Luckily, I had one that goes to one of my Kenmore sewing machines that fit it. It was very dirty. I gave it a bath and inspected it visually, and then tested it out. I bought a manual for it online, or I might not have figured out how to thread it, as it was totally backward to how machines normally thread, until you got down to the needle. I do not know anything about how old this machine is, or why it is pink. I would like to, but internet searches have shown me nothing, really.





All the stitches work, but I did have to make some adjustments to the tensions. It also sounded loud, like a pounding, really. I thought perhaps it needed a new needle, and that would have been my next step, but I took the bobbin case and shuttle out, and it was very quiet without those in the machine, so I oiled where the shuttle rides, and the edge of the shuttle, and now it is very quiet. Amazing.


I think selfish me will keep this one…at least for awhile. It IS PINK, you know! Rolling on the floor laughing


  1. They really are hard to find. I have been looking for one for several months. Not for lingerie but to use in my dining room of all places!

  2. Pink! I would love to find one but another sewing machine is the last thing I need! By the way, my niece was thrilled with the machine I found for her yesterday. Her husband had told her a nice one was not in the budget this year. This one will surely carry her through until she can get a "dream machine"!

  3. Okay now I'm totally jealous Michelle - I love everything Janome! blessings, marlene

  4. Looks like a cute little cabinet. Congrats on the find!!

  5. Hi Michelle,
    I love, love your new pink sewing machine. Of course you should keep it and enjoy it. No one deserves it more. The lingerie chest is totally cool. Bravo..very well done.

  6. I didn't read enough so I missed the Janome sewing machine. Love the look of this machine. I would hang onto this one also. And no, you are not being selfish.

  7. That chest of drawers is so cool. Great finds.

  8. I bought this machine new about 15 years ago from the Bernina dealer that I had worked for. I paid around $200, I think. She was my only machine until the I started adopting some lovely vintage ladies a couple of years ago. My Janome has sewn everything from quilts and coats to slips, petticoats and prom dresses. I try to keep her free from lint and oiled as needed. Still a strong worker. My mom also bought one the same day, same place but it didn't hold up. I love my pink Janome. She even rode safely in her box in the back of the truck through a tornado and all the ensuing rain that involves. You got a great deal and a great machine to boot!

  9. Hi, I have this same machine and I am having a very hard time threading it. Can u make a video on how to thread it? Where did u buy the manual? Thanks😀

  10. Hi:) I hope u get this message because it seems like the post won't go through, but. I have the same machine and am having a hard time threading it. Can u make a video? Where did u buy the manual? Thanks😀

  11. Hi Sophia Jade,
    I can't make a video, but if you download this Singer Manual, I believe your machines threads the exact same way, which is from right to left and you should be set.

    Good luck!

  12. Hi- I picked up the same Janome at a garage sale for $15, great machine. They have made the same machine for quite a while now, with different colors and model numbers. Recent versions include the Threadbanger TB-12, and the HD-1000, which may still be available new. You can call Janome customer support and they will provide you a free pdf format manual for it, I also found one here:
    One thing to note, be careful which feet you buy, the top-loading bobbin Janomes use slightly different feet than the front-loading, like this one. That's due to the stitch width (7mm vs. 5mm) and how they do the offset.


  14. I bought my pink Janome 344 from Goodwill for $25 i have followed the manual to a tee and i cant get it to stitch. The top thread bunches with the bobbin thread and the top thread is pulled tight. Ive cleaned and ive oiled, i have set my tension and length according to the manual. I am clueless, please help. Here is my email address

  15. I bought my pink Janome 344 from Goodwill for $25 i have followed the manual to a tee and i cant get it to stitch. The top thread bunches with the bobbin thread and the top thread is pulled tight. Ive cleaned and ive oiled, i have set my tension and length according to the manual. I am clueless, please help. Here is my email address

  16. I bought my pink Janome 344 from Goodwill for $25 i have followed the manual to a tee and i cant get it to stitch. The top thread bunches with the bobbin thread and the top thread is pulled tight. Ive cleaned and ive oiled, i have set my tension and length according to the manual. I am clueless, please help. Here is my email address


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