Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quilts for PVQM

I have been working on this first quilt top this weekend, while Louie has been working on his college course. He is very near completing, and hopefully, will have it finished today.  I really enjoyed this quilt top, as I love the bright colors. It is a patriotic quilt top. I love sewing these tops together, because the kit is all ready to sew, and each piece is pinned to the next. They are marked row 1, 2, etc, so once each row is sewn, then you just sew the rows together. The hardest part is matching seams.

October 27, 2013

I sewed this top together about three weeks ago….

October 8 October 20, 2013

…and I only had to sew the rows to each other on this quilt, as someone had already started this kit, getting each row sewn.

Trish Horn October 20, 2013 finish

The tops will now go back to the Quilting Ministry, and someone will quilt them, then hand them off to someone else, who will sew the binding on, and finish the quilts. When I make the connection to get these back to the quilters, I will receive more kits to sew together. I love sewing for this group, even though I am not a member of their church, or the quilt group…but they let me help anyway. Rolling on the floor laughing

Once in awhile, I get to see the quilts completely finished, and sometimes, I even go sew with the girls. That is the most fun.

Important Notice: The Cross in the center is the Quilting Ministry’s trademark. They designed the Cross to be their own design. Please do not copy, sell, or claim it as your own. They are very proud of it, as they should be. Thank you!

Louie has been studying this weekend, and hopefully today, will finish all his lessons for the college course he is taking. He has been learning about CNC programming, and lathe work. He is very excited, and hopefully soon will be applying what he has learned to start cutting inlay work on pool cues that he would like to build.





What have you been doing?

Update: Louie did finish his lessons early this evening. He just needs to get credit for them from his instructor, and he should get his certificate. He will go down tomorrow evening, which should be his last time. I am so proud of him. I wish learning came as easily to me.



  1. Such a beautiful ministry. What size are the squares/finished quilt?

  2. Good for Louie for working so diligently on learning something he wants to pursue doing. I do like the quilt design with the cross in the middle of it, no worries for me to steal it, LOL, I admire those that quilt and can create wonderful looking quilts like you and the ministry do, but it definitely is not one of my talents :)


  3. A couple of years after our church started our Victory Prayer Quilts group, a group from another church that had a ministry that was older than ours came and made a presentation. They made it very clear that they used a single pattern of squares with a certain layout and only tied their quilts, never quilted them; one of the people who came from their group made it very clear that the fact that each of use were making quilts of all kinds of designs was not what we should be doing. We decided to ignore that and have continued to make all kinds of quilts. At various times we've made several quilts from one design, but we've all admitted that doing the same thing over and over is not our cup of tea. I love piecing and quilting different designs; the fact that we do so many different designs has really helped us stretch as quilters--yet it makes an equal amount of sense that some people do delight in the simplicity of doing a design over and over.

    Good for Lou for taking a course and learning new things he'll enjoy using.

  4. Lovely quilts! Such a wonderful thing!

    Proud of Louie!

    Have a wonderful and Blessed day

  5. Yeah Louie!!!! Love the quilts. You were a busy girl.

  6. Go Louie!! And Go Michelle!! You both have spent your weekend doing something useful!!

  7. Your cross quilt tops are just fantastic!!! What a bleeding they will ...

  8. What fantastic quilt tops...just love the cross!!! They will be such blessings...

  9. I've made a few cross bookmarks, but, not a full sized quilt. I have 2 cross bookmarks on my design wall now. Glad Louie finished his course. I almost got a quilt completed.

  10. very nice thing you are doing. what size are the quilts finished? Good job Louie!


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