Saturday, December 14, 2013

New Dishwasher & Christmas Cantata

My sweet brother Jack started his day off this morning by bringing my new dishwasher to me. His sweet wife Polly was unable to come with him, because she needed to work.


He unhooked the old dishwasher, pulled it out of the cabinet, and worked on unhooking everything, while Louie was there for moral support.


He worked hard for a couple of hours, and he laid on the floor a lot. If I laid on the floor like that, I would get an instant pounding headache.


Ta da! Here is the new one.


After the dishwasher was installed, we had lunch, then Jack, Louie and I left for Fulton, Illinois to pick up our friends Dave and Judy. We then headed to Morrison, Illinois to celebrate Christmas with the Voices of Praise.  Voices of Praise is an 85-voice outreach choir comprised of those from the 60-voice Sanctuary Choir of the Emmanuel Reformed Church, as well as members of other churches in the area. Our friend Dave is part of the Voices of Praise choir. It was wonderful, as usual.


Ministry Coordinator and Choir director is Rich Criss. He is an incredible and talented man. Funny too!


Afterwards, we went to Clinton and had supper at Applebee’s so we could visit for awhile. It was a wonderful day!


  1. The dishwasher looks really nice. It is really nice to have a brother who is so handy and helpful. Sounds like you had a great day.

  2. First of all you are so lucky to have a brother who is so sweet, and a moral husband. :D Your kitchen is lovely and the new dishwasher looks very spiffy. Sounds as though you had a wonderful Saturday. I love choirs and it seems so Chrismassy to add that to the plans.
    If I got on the floor I'd need help getting up!
    Happy day kiddo!


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