Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunny Saturday Junkin’

I didn’t go anywhere near the Black Friday sales, but Louie and I did do a little bit (ok, a LOT a bit) of Sunny Saturday junkin’ yesterday. We not only went to the Quad Cities on both sides of the river, but we detoured through Clinton on the way home. We are getting WAY too fast with our junkin’, or we are just being too selective! Here are the things I got yesterday.

I found two different boxes of sewing machine attachments, both which had decorative cams for the Singer 400 through 600 series of machines, attachments for a Necchi sewing machine, a new box of Christmas cards, a new, never burned candle, a Mary Engelbreit quilt book, another cover for my Nook HD+, a dvd, and two pieces of fabric. One has 1 1/4 yards of fabric and the other, about a yard. All this for less than $15. IMG-20131201-01064

Louie found four nice old bar cues (pool cues), which he will cut up to make into new cues for $10.38, so he was happy.

I’m having trouble finding any energy or motivation to do anything today. Later on, we are going to Rock Island to see ‘A Christmas Story’ at Circa 21. It will be fun! The dinner buffet includes:

Carved Ham
Chicken Oscar
Tenderloin Burgundy
Pangnesius Parmesan Peppercorn
Pasta Primavera
Corn Bread Stuffing
Au Gratin Potatoes
Maple Streusel Crusted Sweet Potatoes
Corn O Brien
Caribbean Blend Vegetable Mix



  1. Seems there are a lot of plays to see around this time of year. One more thing to enjoy in the winter months. No shopping as of yet. I will wait until I'm desperate!

  2. Wow. You did great. I love the fabric and I have that quilt book (which I am sure I paid way more for than you did.) Have fun tonight.

  3. I remember when I was in grade school and we seena musical at Circa 21, such a nice place. but for goodness sake I can not remember.. I am sure it will hit as i'm falling asleep tonight.

  4. You are the best at "junkin'"! Sounds like fun, hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!!

  5. I don't know Circa 21 but that menu sounds divine! blessings, marlene

  6. Gee, after that buffet, they'd have to 'roll' me out of there. Yum! Sounds like you had a fun day.


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