Sunday, April 20, 2014

He’s ALIVE and I’m Forgiven!

John 19:30
... he said, "It is finished!"

Jesus knew he was suffering the crucifixion for a purpose. Earlier he had said in John 10:18 of his life, "No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."


Matthew 28:6

He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.


Mark 16:1-7

When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?"

But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed.

"Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.' "



  1. Michelle, not only am I forgiven, but I am the constant recipient of His Grace, Mercy, and love. At times, I am overwhelmed with discouragement and despair, but He tells me the truth and lifts me out of the pit. I turned 60 last month, and for some reason, life seems so brief and has new unwanted challenges. This is the time I need to lean hard and trust in who He is and what He promises.

  2. Wonderful post...thanks!!

    Trying to find a Kenmore Ultra Mini to take to classes...haven't found one quite cheap enough yet!!!!


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